Forum Replies Created
I found a balance between image weight and quality, I thank you !
Best regards,
Sorry for the time it took me to answer.
I thank you for your answer.
I found a method via ftp client to copy the content of each .original file and paste it into each corresponding gallery. It works without bug, the original images replace the undersized images. It’s tedious because I have almost 200 galleries but it’s doable.However, as the size of the image adapts to the screen resolution, does having a basic image with a lot of pixels (like 1920×1440, which becomes its intrinsic size) have any interest if the image displayed has a maximum size of 800px (rendered size)?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Best regards,
I write this here for those who have encountered the same problem :
The 10Web team has found the bug and it will be fixed in the next update.
Thanks to them, and thanks to you Asya Gabrilyan.Kévin CAROL
Thank you for your help.
I have just written to the support team. As soon as I have news, I will post the results here.
I thank you very much for your answer.
I installed the plugin you gave me, without changing anything else, but when activating it I get this error message:
“The extension could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare BWG() (previously declared in /home/[…]/www/wp-content/plugins/photo-gallery/photo-gallery.php:2013) in /home/[…]/www/wp-content/plugins/photo-gallery-free/photo-gallery.php on line 2012”Is there a conflict with the previous installation?
Best regards,
Thank you for your answer.
I am really surprised that it works for you…
I tested with several devices at home and I asked a friend to check: it does not work.
I made a video :
It works perfectly when I deactivate the option in wp rocket.
I also specify that on my firefox there is only one extension : adblock, and that my internet connection is excellent (if ever this can have an influence).Best regards,
Thank you for your detailed answer and for the video.
I got to point #5 without the problem being solved. So I used the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin and the troubleshooting mode, and I managed to identify the plugin that is in conflict: it is Wp-Rocket.
It was the “load javascript deferred” option that was causing the problem, but by excluding this source from this option: , it solved the problem.Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,
Good evening,
Thank you for your response.
I will try on my next rest day, in a few days, when I will have the opportunity to be quiet to do some tests.
I will keep you informed.Best regards,
I found a trick to solve the problem temporarily, the update has corrupted some of my galleries. Uploading photos via FileZilla and not via the plugin solved the problem, for now.
Best regards,
Kévin CAROLHello @joejoe04
I’m sorry for the delay.
Here is the response from the creators of the theme.
I’ll take a look, but I don’t think I’ll venture into this kind of modification for only 2 images. The optimization of my site is already correct for me, I’m not sure that investing time in it is worth it!
We are using inline background-image to display the slider post. Not sure if that is causing an issue. This theme was designed this way and we this theme is not tested with imagify plugin too. I just now came to know about .webp now only. I read all the reply from @joejoe04 also. We can’t do change this code in our theme for you if inline background image is creating an issue for this plugin. We designed this theme this way to display in background image and it has some reason to do so. Thousands of users will get an issue if it is removed from the lnline background. You can change the code if you wish to. I can show the direction where the code is from.
Goto theme folder > inc > settings > pixgraphy-settings.php on L151 and change your code according to your needs.If you are unable to do it then you need to hire someone to customize the code who can do it easily within 10-15 minute. Also to notify that we don’t have customize service recently.
Child Theme:
If you’re modifying a parent theme you didn’t build personally we recommend using a child theme. If you do that then updating to new version, all customized code will be lost.
Child Theme : you can download free child theme sample!/childtheme
Best Regards,
Daniel!Best regards,
Hello @joejoe04
Thank you for your answer.
I’m pretty sure that’s the theme that makes the code like that. Without lazyload, wp-rocket and cdn the code is different of course but its structure is the same.
So I’m going to ask the authors of the theme and I’ll let you know.Thanks for the explanation on the query strings, I understood the interest!
Write you soon for the rest
Best regards,
<picture class="attachment-post-thumbnails size-post-thumbnails wp-post-image" title="Hokkaido – Sapporo : Aper?u de la ville"> <source type="image/webp" srcset=" 455w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100vw, 455px"/> <img width="455" height="341" src="" alt="Hokkaido – Sapporo : Aper?u de la ville" srcset=" 455w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100vw, 455px"/></picture>
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by kevinc81.
Hello @joejoe04
Thank you very much for that complete answer. I’m not good at English but I think I understood
First, I activated the webp only in Imgaify, I checked in the source code and now the images are coded this way (except the 2 problematic images) : for example
<picture class="attachment-post-thumbnails size-post-thumbnails wp-post-image" title="Hokkaido – Sapporo : Anciens bureaux du gouvernement de Hokkaido"> <source type="image/webp" srcset=" 455w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100vw, 455px"/> <img width="455" height="341" src="" alt="Hokkaido – Sapporo : Anciens bureaux du gouvernement de Hokkaido" srcset=" 455w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100v
w, 455px”/>
I tried to load the page on Safari, the display looks fine.
=> adding a query string, I tried several php code to add a query string test in url containing “.jpg” or “.png” only but I didn’t succeed. Do you know any php code for this?
I tried to disable everything: all the plugins, the lazyloading… The two images that don’t convert to .webp continue to be unconverted.
I’m okay to run tests with you, just tell me the procedure and I’ll do my best. Thank you for that.
I think I’ve taken into account everything you’ve described to me. If I’ve omitted anything, please don’t hesitate to tell me again
Best regards,
Hello @joejoe04
First of all, thank you for your answer.
Here is my Imagify/Wp Rocket setup :
Since both Imagify and Wp Rocket detect the options enabled in either application, it’s either I choose the option on Imagify “display images in Webp format on the site” (with tags), or on Wp Rocket “enable caching for WebP”. I tried to use only Imagify for Webp, but the site behavior is exactly the same.The CDN is currently enabled, I disabled it for testing purposes only. Without CDN both images are not converted to Webp. Without CDN I used the option “use rewrite rules”, but without effect.
For your other question, I don’t touch the html code of my page. The only addition that exists is the pixel facebook code in the header
Here’s what the code looks like when disabling conversion to Webp :
–, currently webp images are not displayed on IE11 and safari. It’s annoying on Safari.
Is there a good behavior to adopt to avoid this problem?Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Leaflet Map] Leaflet map not centered on Google ChromeHello all,
I figured it out myself. The problem was only on my PC, I then went through all the google chrome options and finally found, the option “Use hardware acceleration if available” was disabled. I reactivated it and now the display is fine.