Kevin Dees
Forum Replies Created
This kind of thing seems to be a recurring issue with AJAX plugins. I dont know if the tabs plugin uses ajax but if it does you will need to run fitvids on the newly loaded content with a little custom code.
Fit vids only works for videos that are in markup when the page is first downloaded.
This is an interesting question. I have not tested the plugin on buddypress. I’ll have to try it out and see if there is a bug I need to fix.
np ?? only wish I had the chance to fix it sooner
patched added
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FitVids for WordPress] [Plugin: FitVids for WordPress] FitVids & Ajax?You can run fitvids at any time using the standard call. However, the object you select needs to only contain the new content. If you run fitvids on an item twice you will run into issues.
To do what you are asking you might be able to run the above function using the selector or object returned by the ajax call.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Path Access] [Plugin: Path Access] Does not workThey are normally called friendly/clean/custom url’s. In Settings -> Permalink Settings WordPress states,
By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them, however WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links. A number of tags are available, and here are some examples to get you started.
You will need to turn these on for the plugin to work. I would also note that the plugin is rather advanced and will require a thought out workflow when using on your website.
I’ll make a patch this week.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FitVids for WordPress] [Plugin: FitVids for WordPress] FitVids & Ajax?unfortunately this is something that you would need to create a callback for with your Ajax call. FitVids only runs when the page is loaded. Anything added to the page with JS will need to be coded for within the theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Path Access] [Plugin: Path Access] Different path sets for different roles?This is a great feature idea.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Path Access] [Plugin: Path Access] Does not workyou need to be using friendly urls
I’ll see if I cant find out what is going on
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FitVids for WordPress] [Plugin: FitVids for WordPress] FitVids with Ustreamaccording to the fitvids github repo it looks like ustream is not supported.
YouTube Y
Vimeo Y Y
Viddler Y
Kickstarter YThis is a tough one because to use the plugin you really need to know a little jQuery. The field you are talking about in the div that the video is wrapped in.
You can use this blog post to help you out.
also the fitvids video
commas should work,
Beer would be nice ?? but if that doesn’t work out i have a tip option on my website
you will want to but the css selector that contains your video. what does this meen?
div.postmight be the layout of your html.
the would be a div with the “post” class. this is common for wp themes. if there is video html in that div with the “post” class you would set the settings page field to “.post”.
the other option is just to set it to “body” to select the whole document.
P.S. dont use the quotes