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  • I’ve got two blogs running on separate subdomains of the same hosted domain. One of them I’ve been running since summer, and have never seen this problem.

    The other, I set up a month or two ago, and this problem has happened twice. The first time, the post set itself to “Private” almost immediately; this second time just now, it took a few hours, waiting until I was asleep to make the change (sneaky devil).

    I am a compulsive post-editor, so that may have something to do with it; but again, this second occurrence took place when I wasn’t even logged on to my computer.

    So here’s a bump for the thread, in hopes that somebody has some idea of what’s going on.

    Thread Starter kevintmc


    Same problems when I revert to default theme.

    Thread Starter kevintmc


    Thanks for the reply.

    Those lines appeared just as you specified…except there was no numeral 1 inside either of the parentheses where they appeared in your example. I tried adding them, and it improved things slightly.

    Now my main page is no longer entirely broken with Widgets activated; but the sidebar still looks the same as it did when Widgets was turned off (and the Widgets part of the admin controls does not work). And appearing above every page now, including the admin pages, is the following:

    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in C:\…\wp-content\plugins\widgets\widgets.php on line 115

    Which is exactly the same as the non-fatal part of the error message before, only now citing a different line.

    Line 115 (or line 58 in the alternate version of widgets.php I referred to, which returns the same error) is:

    $sidebar = array_merge($defaults, $args);

    Thanks for the wpautop reference. Googling that led me to a couple of promising plugins. Trouble is, one of them has no documentation at all, and the other confuses me (and hasn’t been updated for a while either).

    Anyone have any insight into either:

    Disable wpautop Plugin:

    Text Control:

    For that matter, I am having a hard time finding a good thorough reference on wpautop itself and exactly what it does and how it works.

    Which makes it very hard, for instance, to make sense of the rumblings I hear about having to go back and fix old posts if you turn wpautop completely off.

    Hmm. I’ve found an unexpected downside to turning tinyMCE off.

    Now I can edit the HTML and it stays edited…

    …except for the [p] and [br] tags, which don’t show up at all! Gaaah!

    Any way to see these and make sure they’re correct in the plain-jane editor? (They showed up just fine in the HTML source screen in the fancy visual editor thingy, even if they did funny things once I clicked the Update button.)

    Yes, I thought that would fix the problem too.

    It doesn’t.

    I am having this same problem, and have been wondering if it is a bug.

    Here’s what happens. I am editing one of my Pages in the visual rich editor, and I insert an anchor into the text. At first it works fine.

    But if, at any time thereafter, I enter the HTML editor when editing the page, then close it after making any changes by clicking the Update button…

    …suddenly there are multiple copies of the [a name=][/a] tag scattered throughout my text. The copies appear to be placed after every [p] tag, and also between every [/p] and the following [p], from the original tag on down to the bottom of the page.

    My preference when writing and editing posts and pages is to use the visual rich editor primarily, dropping down to the HTML source when necessary. But if tinyMCE is going to fight me by changing and rearranging and screwing up what I’ve manually put into the HTML source editor, it defeats the purpose of having that option in the first place. So I suppose it’s time for me to figure out how to disable the visual rich editor altogether.

    I had this problem just this afternoon when I reinstalled WordPress. What fixed it for me was installing the template files again, but making sure that graphics files were uploaded in binary (while everything else was ASCII). WS_FTP handled this for me automatically with the correct box checked.

    Thanks for taking the time to provide clarification. I understand much better now.
    — Kevin

    Er, forgive this newbie for the question, but I don’t quite understand the last few posts.
    Did LaughingLizard use some sort of modification or hack to get to “guaranteed spam-proof” status?
    “Committed in CVS”–does that mean strong protection against spammers is already in WP version 1.0.2 which I just installed? That it has just been thrown in one of the nightly builds?
    (Gee whiz…to think I used to be employed as a technical-support dude…now I browse the forums for this nifty new weblog tool I somehow installed correctly, and the majority of what I read might as well be encrypted Klingon for all I can tell. I *used* to be tech-savvy, I promise!)
    — Kevin

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