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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Memcache Vs. MemcachedWhat do you mean it’s powered by a cloud of servers? Who is your hosting provider? Are you sure you have a dedicated server?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Disable W3C for a page and subpagesIf you look in the FAQs of the plugin you will find a couple of things you can do to remove caching from specific pages.
How can I prevent caching directly in my templates etc?
Several constants are available for these purposes:
define(‘DONOTCACHEPAGE’, true);
Disables page caching for a given page.
define(‘DONOTCACHEDB’, true);
Disables database caching for given page.
define(‘DONOTMINIFY’, true);
Disables minify for a given page.
define(‘DONOTCDN’, true);
Disables content delivery network for a given page.
define(‘DONOTCACHCEOBJECT’, true);
Disables object cache for a given page.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Memcache Vs. Memcached@ds123 A dedicated server is a single server. If you’re only running one server then stick to something like APC.
Here’s a good article that might help to explain caching a little better: https://markjaquith.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/apc-object-cache-backend-for-wordpress/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] CSS file not loading properly.I’m not the developer, but may be able to help.
When I look at the source file of your site it is showing Minify as being enabled and everything on the site seems to be working fine. The only thing that doesn’t show is the CDN. Are you sure it’s not the CDN that is causing the problem?
Minified using disk
Page Caching using disk (enhanced)
Database Caching 9/11 queries in 0.002 seconds using disk
Object Caching 1231/1231 objects using disk
Served from: watershedstoughton.com @ 2011-01-12 15:51:02 –>
Have you tried to minify only one set of files at a time. Maybe start all the JS files and see if everything works. If it breaks, minify only one JS file at a time to see if any of them are causing a problem. Then only minify the CSS files. If something breaks, do the same as the JS files. Only minify one at a time until you find one that breaks.
If the code in a file isn’t written correctly minifying it, removing white space, and line breaks can cause errors and your site to not load correctly.
Once you are able to correct all the issues and everything is minified correctly, then try to upload all the files and enable the CDN.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Photo] [Plugin: User Photo] Replicate photo across multisite blogsSo how about a php script that checks those user photo folders and if it finds a new photo it copies it to all of the other sites user photo folders?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] MS subdomain files not postSo rackspace is where you are hosting your sites? What do you mean by the subdomain files are not posting? Are you talking about the CDN?
Creating your subdomains has nothing to do with W3TC.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Does this work with multisite?@govfresh Yes it works with multi-site with subomain. I’ve managed to get everything working, except the CDN. I’m running into problems with creating a self host CDN. It tries to read from the top level directory no matter what, even though it is able to upload the files to the correct folder directory for each site.
What do you mean by enable an older site? Are you running multisite?
This is affecting all files that are uploaded to the CDN (ie. images, etc.)
Not sure why it’s unable to traverse down to the proper directory.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Photo] [Plugin: User Photo] Need help displaying user photos in postsAn easy way to add the photo and info to your post pages is by using one of these plugins in your sidebar.
https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/author-profile/I found another plugin that was able to do this.
IM8 Box Hide
https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/im8-box-hide/Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Remove Post page screen options by roleI found this plugin which does exactly what I need.
IM8 Box Hide
I’ve found the problem, although I’m not sure how to fix it. I’m running WP Multisite.
I have folders for each site’s files (static-site1, static-site2, etc.) on my CDN site (static.mycdnsite.net) for each website to pull it’s static files from. Each of these folders are directly below the public_html folder. So it’s public_html/static-site1, public_html/static-site.
For site1 and site2, on my CDN settings in W3 Total Cache, I have static-site1 and static-site2 as my FTP paths. They both pass FTP server test.
Here’s the weird part…
When I look at the source code for the file being hosted on the CDN they show like this:
https://static.mycdnsite.net/wp-content/w3tc-sitetemplate.tawesome.com/min/cea9af/default.include.1731890067.cssWhen I try to go to the link to view the file, I get a 404 error because the link is missing the folder static-site before wp-content. So it should look like this:
How can this be corrected?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Should I Install W3 Total Cache Before My Plugins & Theme For WordPress!I would setup your theme and plugins first. Although it doesn’t really matter when you install W3, but make sure everything else is ready to go before you setup minify settings.
Well immediately after writing the previous message I figured it out. W3 Total Cache creates a PHP file and a folder of the settings it uses for each site in wp-content. Since I previously create fahsion.mysite.com it had created a file and folder in wp-content. So even though I was creating a new site, since it had the same name, it was pulling the settings from the old files. I think you only need to delete the php file if you run into the same issue as me. I went ahead and deleted the folder just in case.
Here’s what I did to create a new site from my site template after initial setup.
1. Deactivate W3 Total Cache in your site template
2. Create a new site
3. Configure settings for new site