Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Disabling Registration FormDid not find the plugins section, but did figure out if I changed the widgets from Signin to register, people could browse the store and only have to register if they wished. Works for me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Disabling Registration FormThank you, Jim, for a prompt reply. Sigh, I am not sure as the person who set up my store is long gone. Later today, I will get it figured out and get back to you. Much else to do this morning.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lost blog after Windows 10 InstallWorked. Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Lost blog after Windows 10 InstallThank you, will see if that works and let you know.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsI have my dash board back. Not sure how, but my host server after several weeks of trying to prove who I was finally reset things. I think they may just have gotten tired of my phonecalls, but some of the were really great. Bluehost or is it Blue note. Any way than you Mr GovPate you too are on my great list and yes the issue is Resolved for me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsNetwork solutions. I will contact them and hopefully not have to bother you so much. Will let you know what happens.
As several others seem to have this problem, a tip sheet might be useful at some point.
May all the good you do return to you a hundred fold.
KatForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsI really think the best thing is to start all over again. But don’t know how to do that without access to my dashboard. I don’t mind letting go of current information ans there is very little. I do however want to keep the same domain name and hopefully not have to pay any money. Again, you are a wonder man. I see how many others you help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsMr. Govpatel,
Okay, my Skype didn’t work, not sure why. Will try again Sunday morning if that is okay with you. Any easy advice right now? Thank you again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsMr. Govpatel,
Need to improve my Skype skills. Will do so tonight by talking to my son and then call you tomorrow before 2ET. Once again you are one in a hundred million. Thank You. Kat
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsYes, I have Skype, but am a bit deaf as well as not very skilled using it. I will need to wait until my husband is up and has the time to be by my side. He hears, I am the computer guru. Hopefully we can be in touch a bit later this morning. Is it morning or evening where you are?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsAs sure as I can be. But I am in my 70’s and sureness does not always mean I know the truth of what I am talking about.
If I can’t get logged in as an adminstrator, is there a way I can delete all files and start from scratch?
Thank you again for being there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsMr. Govpatel, When I sign in on administration all I get is a blank screen with the words Profile and Dashboard on the left and the Worp press blogs on the the right. I get code if I click on properties, and can go to my profile but nothing else works.
I want to add items to sell. As all I have is this one post, I am willing to go back to the beginning if I can keep the url.
I am so grateful someone is paying attention. Thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No menu's on dashboardsHello Mr. Govepatal
I am having the same problem as AdrialHY. Asked for help previously with exactly the same. I was told to go to my dashboard and unplug plug ins. As I couldn’t get to the dashboard I couldn’t unplug anything. No one else offered anything else. You have given me hope.
By clicking on properties I get to code, but that is as far as I can get. I cannot get to my data base.
I would be perfectly willing to start all over again, but do not want to let go of the domain name. Can that be done?
I am over my head and drowning. Hoping you can help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: All Dashboard Controls Are Gone.I think I have the same problem. I was told it was probably a plug-in, but don’t know how to remove plug-ins if I cannot get to my dashboard. I can get the code up, but am not savvy enough to know what to do code wise. Hope someone helps us.