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Update done, the issue is fixed ! It’s working now, great !
Thank you again for your work and reactivity.
Have a great day too !
Hello @giuse
Oh that’s right, didn’t see that !
Sadly the fix didn’t work with the PRO version, I’ve used your contact form to send you the plugin.
Well well well, that means my next step will be buy the Pro licence then !
Thanks for the explanation !Hey @giuse
1) Which free version ? I can’t find a free version of that plugin :
I did try on a neutral dev environment to be sure it’s not related to settings and I can confirm it is not.
I’m not having the issue on the “main page” of the plugin but with all others. Like eos_dp_by_post_type or eos_dp_url or eos_dp_by_term_archive&eos_dp_tax=category
Here is a look :
With styles filter :
With styles + scripts filter : well better with both !
If I disable the plugin from wp-config, it is working 100% as intended and got no issue like this.
So my 2) is well related to my 3) and I got a fix, if I can say so.
Demo of the situation :
I want to disable all plugins except the LearnDash plugin when I’m editing Questions.
I disable them, then I save.
If I reload the page, it is back to everything is active.
And if I check by myself, it is not working.And now I got the “why”, if I go far below, I can find another line about Questions.
And this time, it is working as intended.
And last and, when I make my choices below, it is then synced with the lines above that are not working.
So I will delete 10 lines in my back-end url, that will help !I did a full reset of my settings in FDP, I am now working on disabling slowly everything to make it smooth again. I’m not sure if I will experienced the same issue with other plugins.
Well, just watching it, Mailster plugin have 3 lines for the same post type, so same issue as LearnDash.
Thank you anyways for your support, very fast as always !
I was thinking about another thing too, because I’m in that akward situation of having almost 100 plugins.
Is there a way when I add a new plugin to have it turned off everywhere and then I choose manually where I want it to be turned on. It’s a specific usage because most of the time now, when I add a plugin, I need to remember all the areas where I want it disabled. And there is farm more area where I want a plugin disabled than areas where I want it to be on.A little question about the Import/Export settings in Pro Version.
If I export my actual settings, let’s say with 80 plugins set as I want.
What happens if I import them on a stage site where there are only 40 of them ?
Nothing should be broke right ?
And, if in the future I add the new plugins but from my 80 list. Do they have a fresh start in settings or they will be automatically set with the right ones ?Thank you again for your time !
Hello @giuse
So I can confirm that was the issue, the plugin was activated when Woocommerce was not on some pages.
Since I’ve changed that, I did multiple actions and it still working fine then.But through your plugin I had no information about that condition. Maybe because my dashboard is buggy, there are some conflicts with multiple plugin I’m using.
Thank you very much for those informations @giuse
I will check that and do some tests and come back to you with the updated infos.
Hello @giuse
– Yes it is
– Yes, the plugin is automatically disabled on the entire website. Each time I activate it (from the plugins wordpress page), it lasts some random time then it is disabled again.
– Yes, only disabled and I can enable it again.
– I can but I don’t know why it is keep being disabled alone.
– No it doesn’t need the free version.
– Yes and yes. But I have just checked before answer you and the SIP plugin was disabled on the Freesoul dashboard where I need it to be enabled. I mean I have done the settings but it looks like it have changed. So I edited it right now and I will check back later.
OMG *_* Thank you so much @giuse !
I’ve thought about this but I was not able to do it on code. I was just manually doing it with some : j=j / p=p and trying to remember what is what.
This is life changer, thank you !!!
Hello @giuse
First I have to say that I have dreamed of this plugin for so long so thank you for make it happen !
I have followed the idea of this topic but I’m wondering if there is a possible way to filter the post-type in back-end ?
Actually, there is no parameter or something else in the url so I can’t make a difference, or I have to put manually all the post ID. Problem : there are more than 200 ids at the moment and it is growing.
I had the idea to use a general filter as post=*
and then another more specific with as idea as post=13But we have no hand on the priority so it doesn’t work.
Any ideas to share ? Thanks