Rita Kikani
Forum Replies Created
Hi @sreed27 ,
I had test and it is working fine on our testing environment, so can you please share page link of your event listing page, so we can check, or you can generate support ticket for the issue, our team will assist you there.
Thank you.
Hi @julimuslia,
Yes, you can achieve this functionality by overriding template file and by this method, you will not loose your changes if plugin update.
To achieve this functionality using template override, you need to override template file called “content-event_listing.php” from “\wp-content\plugins\wp-event-manager\content-event_listing.php” to “\wp-content\themes\YOUR_CHILD_THEME\wp-event-manager\content-event_listing.php“. at your theme side file, you need to change code as per your requirement.
You can read more about template override from here : https://wp-eventmanager.com/knowledge-base/template-files-override/
In above file, on line no.17, you will find code like ‘<a href=”<?php display_event_permalink();?>”‘, here you need to add your permalink/link for redirection.
I hope this guidance will help you.If you need further guidance then please continue in this thread. We will help you to resolve your issue.
Thank you.
Hi @fxbyy,
If you want to just hide additional block from single event page, then you need to add below code in your child theme functions.php file.
add_filter('event_manager_show_additional_details', 'wpem_event_manager_show_additional_details'); function wpem_event_manager_show_additional_details($flag){ return false; }
But, if you want to change place of additional info from single event page, then you need to override template file called “content-single-event_listing.php”, you need to just copy file from “wp-content\plugins\wp-event-manager\templates\content-single-event_listing.php” to “wp-content\themes\YUOR_CHILD_THEME\wp-event-manager\content-single-event_listing.php” and then at your theme side file, you need to cut code of additional info blog and paste it in same file where you want to show.
ex. cut code ”?if ($show_additional_details) :” this entire if condition and paste it ”?<?php do_action(‘single_event_sidebar_end’); ?>” before this line.
You can get more info about how to override template file from https://wp-eventmanager.com/knowledge-base/template-files-override/
I hope this will help you, but if yu have still any query then please continue in this thread, we will help you.
Thank you.
Hi @eventaus,
You can write below code in your overridden template file :
<td><strong><?php _e('Ticket QTY:', 'wp-event-manager-sell-tickets'); ?></strong><br><span style="font-family:au; font-size:14px; padding:5px; color:#000;"> <?php foreach ($order->get_items() as $item) { $order_product_id = $item->get_product_id(); if($product_id == $order_product_id){ echo $item->get_quantity() .'<br/>'; } } ?></td>
If you have any further query then please continue in this thread.
Thank you.
Hi @gogata221,
The text for Load more button is coming from event-listings-end.php file, so to change the text, you need to override template file from wp-content\plugins\wp-event-manager\templates\event-listings-end.php to wp-content\themes\YOUR_THEME\wp-event-manager\event-listings-end.php and change at your theme side file.
You will get more about how to override template file from : https://wp-eventmanager.com/knowledge-base/template-files-override/
Thank you.
Hi @eventaus,
As registration is paid addon, you need to open support ticket on our site for related issue, our team will help to fix your issue regarding paid addon.
Thank you.
Hi @eventaus,
This is a woocommerce customization part, so I am not sure about above code, but I can guide you about to set product as private. As per my knowledge, you can not purchase any private product, so you must need to set it as a public first then only you can buy it. second, if you want to hide from normal users, then you need to set “Catalog visibility” as “Hidden” then you must need third party plugin to restrict the product to specific users or user roles. Plugins like WooCommerce Memberships or WooCommerce Private Store would be helpful to you.
After that, you need to override template file called, “content-tickets-details.php” from sell ticket plugin and in that file you need to add condition based on restriction to view ticket which you set in woo products.
I hope that this will help you to resolve your issue.
Thank you.
Hi @eventaus,
If you are getting an error “Sorry, this product cannot be purchased.”, then you need to check the product price, it may possible that product price is not added in cart and because of that you are getting this error.
Thank you.
Hi @eff16,
Sorry for the inconvenient and thank you for informing about the issue. I would like to inform you that this issue is resolved for our upcoming version, you can verify here : https://github.com/wpeventmanager/wp-event-manager/issues/1648. If you have urgency then you can use this version : https://github.com/wpeventmanager/wp-event-manager/tree/3_1_44, you just need to reset field-editor first then create same field with newer version, your issue would be resolve.
If you have any further query then please continue in this thread.
Thank you once again.
Hi @ejaganece,
I would like to inform you that above both the functions I had applied in my setup and working fine, in addition our plugin, there is no word “Plural:”, so could you please check is there any customized done from your end which include word “Plural:”.
Thank you.
Hi mluzvdb,
We would like you to inform that, we remove some code from our date-filter as they bother/disturb the speed of data retrieve from database. But, we provided filter so if any one wants to go with that code then they can easily use that filter and add that previous or new query arguments while filter the events.
This is the filter, which you can use at your theme side to change query argument, you can ask your developer that how you can use this.
apply_filters(‘get_event_listings_query_args’, $query_args, $args);
If you still have query then please continue in this thread, we will help you and guide you.
Thank you.
Hi @mluzvdb,
Yes, we update code because of some reason of code quality, but you can write again that same date filter query code by using filter apply_filters(‘get_event_listings_query_args’, $query_args, $args);
If you still have query then please continue in this thread, we will help you to resolve your issue.
Thank you.
Hi @amineriad,
Currently we do not have this feature in our plugin, So, you need to customize by your self to achieve this functionality.
To customize, you need to override template file called content-past_event_listing.php at your theme side, and in that file you can add your filter.
To know more about, How to override template file, you can read this doc : https://wp-eventmanager.com/knowledge-base/template-files-override/
Then you need to add query argument by using apply_filters(‘event_manager_past_event_listings_args’, $args_past) to get filtered record.
Thank you.
Hi @ejaganece,
You need to write below code in your theme functions.php file.
add_filter('event_manager_event_filters_showing_events_links', 'wpem_event_filters_showing_events_links', 10, 2); function wpem_event_filters_showing_events_links($links, $args){ unset($links['rss_link']); return $links; } add_filter('event_manager_get_listings_custom_filter_text', 'wpem_get_listings_custom_filter_text', 10, 2); function wpem_get_listings_custom_filter_text( $message, $search_values){ $message = "YOUR MESSAGE"; return $message; }
I hope this code will help you to resolve your issue.
Thank you.
Hi @ejaganece,
I am still not getting what exactly you want to change and remove from the event page. I had seen your image but please mention which part you want to remove, which part you want to show, where you want to add text in written in your image, so I can assist you.
Thank you.