Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] kmz and kml typs are not working!In case that the above code on functions.php in the theme does not work, the other plugin or other setting may be wrong. Please deactivate other plugins and try to it.
Basically, the function for adding mime type is prepared by WordPress.
Reference: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] kmz and kml typs are not working!If “kmz = application/” in the end line of “List of allowed mime types and file extensions by WordPress” in “Mime Type Settings” was added and a kmz file cannot be updated to the Media, please add the following php code to functions.php in the theme.
add_filter('upload_mimes','add_custom_mime_types'); function add_custom_mime_types($mimes){ return array_merge($mimes,array ( 'kmz' => 'application/', )); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] kmz and kml typs are not working!I downloaded dodekanes.kmz file and tried to upload to my WordPress (WordPress 4.4.2 and WordPress 4.5 RC2).
I can do it.Please check the file extension seting in the plguin setting.
Screenshot: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hidden Password Protected Pages] does not seem to workIsn’t a protected page hidden when the plugin is activated?
Please remove the cache and cookie of the browser, and please try it again.I tested up WordPress 4.4 and 4.5 RC2 today.
When the plugin is activated, the password protected page will be hidden.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] iBook fliesPlease try to add the setting in this plugin setting.
ibooks = application/x-ibooks+zip
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] kmz and kml typs are not working!Ummm. I succeeded a kml/kmz file using your code.
Please check the file extension list in the plugin setting.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] Design file typesYes, it supports.
You will add the following setting in the plugin setting menu.
psd = image/x-photoshop
ai = application/illustrator
eps = application/postscript
indd = application/x-indesignForum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP Hidden Password Protected Pages] Works Great!Thank you for review!
For changing the style and words in the password pages, please see “” and add the code in fucntions.php.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] Does this work on multisite?I don’t check a multisite version, but basically the plugin can be worked because it’s very simple construction.
Firstly, please confirm the plugin in the simple mode.
And then, please check mime types.ex. doc and docx
doc = application/msword
docx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] Not WorkingRight
epub = application/epub+zip
mobi = application/x-mobipocket-ebookPlease try to change separate key ‘:’ to ‘=’.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP DS FAQ Plus] Bug with Edit link in fronendThanks!
Umm, it’s a strange…Please tell me your environment.
WordPress version
PHP versionForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP DS FAQ Plus] Does not work after migrationIf you mistook the permission in the FAQ setting, please directly check the following DB data.
Default values : [wp_ds_faq_array] in “wp_options” table.
a:9:{s:31:”wp_dsfaq_plus_editor_permission”;s:7:”level_7″;s:30:”wp_dsfaq_plus_admin_permission”;s:7:”level_8″;s:35:”wp_dsfaq_plus_general_display_title”;i:0;s:28:”wp_dsfaq_plus_enable_ratings”;i:0;s:32:”wp_dsfaq_plus_disable_all_delete”;i:0;s:37:”wp_dsfaq_plus_disable_category_delete”;i:0;s:33:”wp_dsfaq_plus_disable_edit_delete”;i:0;s:38:”wp_dsfaq_plus_disable_frontedit_delete”;i:0;s:42:”wp_dsfaq_plus_apply_safetyoptions_to_admin”;i:0;}Important permission is s:30:”wp_dsfaq_plus_admin_permission”;s:7:”level_8″;
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP DS FAQ Plus] Does not work after migrationWhat kind of a development environment do you use?
This plugin uses the following tables in the MySQL DB.
[Posted Data]
wp_dsfaq_name : category data
wp_dsfaq_quest: posted data[Settings]
wp_options –> wp_ds_faq_arrayForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] fixed the issue of a deprecated functionPlease try to use this plugin without the other plugins.
Or you install WordPress to the other directory and install this plugin.Or please check the file size (.apk).
WordPress upload file size is decided by the PHP program setting.
You can see the “Maximum upload file size: ” in Media menu.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Add Mime Types] fixed the issue of a deprecated functionWhat kind of error does your WordPress?
About .apk file extension, I tested up WordPress 4.2.2 with PHP 5.3/5.6.