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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: background image looks all stretched out?Hi,
I have had a look at your site but am not sure what image in the background you are referring to. I have screenshot’s below of how the site looks in my browser (tested in Firefox and Chrome).
Your page title/company name looks a bit out of place on the internal pages as well as the menu, do you see the same as I do?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: background image looks all stretched out?Hi,
Can you post the URL of the website so we can take a look?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Similar theme to migrate my website?You can find a theme coder, try searching Google.
You could also try and find somebody to do it for free in design forums or use a student ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Transitioning from One Theme to AnotherThat’s great, I am glad it worked.
The simplest way to make an exact copy of your current installation of WordPress (for a online sandbox) is this way:
1) Using phpmyadmin (assuming you have that) make a backup of the entire database using the export tool.
2) Using FTP download your entire WordPress installation to a local folder
3) Create a new database, call it anything you like and import the backup you just made so you have a replica of the original database.
4) In the files you have downloaded edit the wp-config.php file in the root directory with your new database details.
5) Create a new directory anywhere on your server and upload the files you just downloaded exactly as it is.
6) In the “options” tables of the database you will need to update two fields (via phpmyadmin) before you try and go the the URL – site_url and home to where the new installation is.
7) You should have a working sandbox environment now.
To do it offline (which I personally find it faster) you can install a local web server environment. I prefer xampp, just follow the the instructions for installation and then do the above.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhaustedIm the root of your installation you should find the .htaccess. You just need to add that line before or after the WordPress lines.
If you don’t already have a .htaccess file you can create one and upload it with that line in it.
You can change the 96M to any value but be aware on a shared host it still may not do anything depending on restrictions on your account.
If you don’t have many plugins running and the memory limit does not work I suggest contacting your hosting provider.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Transitioning from One Theme to AnotherThere are 2 good ways to keep your current theme and remove the right sidebar on certain pages.
Create a new page template – simply copy page.php, remove the include for the sidebar, add the template name to top and save with new name and upload. On the WordPress page content editor you can then select to use that template for that specific page. You can also stretch your main content to full width then with some new css.
Use WordPress conditional tags in your page.php file to remove the sidebar on specific pages – you can use page ids or names.
If you want to work on the theme in a sandbox environment you can copy your site into a new directory such as and work there, or do it offline with software like xampp to run a local web server.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Similar theme to migrate my website?Hi,
If you are wanting to move the content yourself you could get your theme converted to WordPress in a day. That might be the best way to keep the look of your site exactly the same but still utilise the WordPress platform.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Remove title from content area – Mystique TemplateSorry this may be a silly question but first did you try searching without the <h1> tags? instead just the_title();
Secondly did you also look in the single.php file?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can published page be deleted?Yes, you can set it to Draft or just delete it completely.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhaustedThat is quite a lot of memory to be using for a normal WordPress installation, do you have a lot of plugins activated? That is usually the cause of this error. If so try deactivating ones that are not essential to the site and see if the problem goes away.
Are you using shared hosting or vps/dedicated?
On shared you could try to override the php memory limit:
In .htaccess: php_value memory_limit 96M
In PHP file: ini_set(‘memory_limit’, ’96M’);On vps/dedicated you can just change the memory limit in the php.ini file using shell or file manager.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Everything Did Not Transfer OverThe export tool does not export theme files or widget setup, just posts, pages, categories and the like.
You will need to re-setup the widgets and theme on your new install as it is on the one.
As to where the four missing posts are I am not sure.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Updating from 3.0.3If you need to revert then you need to re-upload the wp-includes and wp-admin directories of version 3.0.3. The database should still work fine but it is still wise to have a backed up copy from before the upgrade.
Are you using a very customised theme that relies on certain plugins? and do you mind listing what plugins you use? They are the main causes of problems with upgrades.
In the end if you did need to do a full recovery it is not as much a daunting task as it sounds. In fact it can take just minutes depending on the size of your site and hosting configuration.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Updating from 3.0.3Best solution is to make a full backup of the site as it is now, including a full database backup. If anything goes wrong you can just revert to that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help w/ Broken WP Features Post-Dedicated Server MigrationCommon problem with new dedicated servers. Can you check ownership of the directories? From personal experience that has solved this issue many a time.
The server, especially if the site was not migrated by yourself could have assigned itself ownership of the files, you can try either chown them in shell or ask Godaddy support to do it for you.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I remove the white space above my header image?Is that so the banner touches the top of the page?
If so you need to edit 2 css values.
1) Enter the theme editor in WordPress appearance->editor
2) Select the style.css (probably already selected as is default)
3) Change #header {padding: 20px 0 0 0; } to #header {padding: 0; }
4) In #wrapper remove the “margin-top:20px” line or change it to 0pxShould be all done.