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Hi, @alexeypoltavets
Yes, I checked the sitemap SML and it is created only in one language, English.
I asked the support team about the issue and their response was that they don’t have full language support for WP Multilang in their XML Sitemap, but they’ll be adding this in a future release…..Regarding the issue with the switching languages, I have a new update. ??
As I mention in the previous post, with AIO you have both languages already in the SEO Titles & Descriptions if in the settings > advanced settings > you select Autogenerate Descriptions. Well, that was a first step that I didn’t have with Yoast in WooCommerce.
The problem was that if I tried to create my custom content, then it happened the same as in Yoast, only one language was saved.
I was very frustrated about this, first thought was about changing the multilingual plugin, but then I realized it was going to be a mess for me as I am not a web developer and also after reading about other alternatives I wasn’t really convinced about the migration..(I like WP Multilang after all and I hope the author will come back to us soon :-))
Then, talking with the AIO support team about editing TAGS and PAGES they mentioned the codes that WP Multilang uses. I was already familiar with this and I thought
If Multilang works with these codifications [:en] Your text in English [:es] Tu texto en espa?ol [:]
why not to use this in the SEO Title and Descriptions of WooCommerce Product Pages as well?
So, I created my custom content for each language and copied in the meta descriptions (you have to copy the texts in both languages) using the codes.
I tried in a WooCommerce product page and OMG it works perfectly (you only need to make sure the product page is already published, so the SEO will be saved correctly in both languages. I think this is happening because until you don’t publish the product you don’t have the final URL).
This will display the languages correctly with your custom content included!.
Maybe this works in Yoast as well, it is only a question of trying! But in AIO it works for sure!.
On the other hand, what I noticed with Yoast is that the pages when editing took a long time to load and with AIO they load faster.
Also, the SEO system is totally different. In Yoast for what I experienced, you are almost “forced” to use similar KW on and on and the content is sometimes a bit artificial (not to mention the time an effort it takes to finish successfully a page according to the double green criteria)
The AIO support team confirmed that is not necessary at all for doing a good SEO. In fact, checking at their documentation, they say:
“Use Keywords
Use Keywords is set to Disabled by default. This is because Meta Keywords hold little or no value in today’s SEO. This post from Matt Cutts at Google explains why they no longer value them.However you may feel differently and wish to use them. If you do wish to use Meta Keywords on your site then select Enabled next to Use Keywords”.
Here is the post:
So, in summary, I am not an expert on SEO, but I think I am going to maintain the AIO plugin for the moment. ??
Cheers and take care everyone!
Hi again,
After checking that with Yoast the issue couldn’t be solved, I got a refund from them and I decided to try another Seo plugin.
I found out that with All in One SEO Pack premium this problem is not happening. It gives you meta and descriptions in both languages, so great!
Hi @dmzw
I work with, so I haven’t installed any plugin to send the posts to the blog subscribers. It does it automatically.
I commented the issue with the WordPress Support team and they said it is something to do with WP Multilang.
In the meantime, I will try to find if there is another plugin to fix this issue.
Hi all,
I recently bought Yoast SEO Premium and I am having the same issues as mentioned here.
However, whilst WP Multilang and Yoast SEO Premium work fine in standard pages, it is in the WooCommerce Product Pages and Tags where the language of the Titles and Snippet description doesn’t change to the other language. It only keeps one language.
I subscribe to this topic. I hope @valexar can give us some answers soon. I really like WP Multilang but it is a bit shocking that there is no any update of this plugins for so long ??