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  • I wasn’t invoking anything…merely responding to the people across all these very similar threads with very similar issues who have complained about the service they received from their hosts while trying to deal with this monster of a nuisance the latest WP update has caused. So you moderate my comment which provided a positive response/possible solution to the issue and thanking the host that solved the problem but you leave the posts (including the use of GoDaddy in mine) that name and shame their hosts for bad behavior and poor customer service untouched. So we can talk crap about a company but not say something nice about another?

    Not trying to pick a fight, go off topic, cause a problem or invoke anything but now I am asking for consistency from the mods. If you’re going to edit my post for mentioning a host in a thread then you should edit them all in every thread, good, bad or otherwise,…because there are many out there and singling out one person who was trying to be helpful is far from consistent.

    Regardless, I hope my solution works for others and that they’re able to get the issue resolved painlessly and quickly rather than pulling their hair out trying to desperately find a solution…and hopefully WP will do something on their end to repair this issue with their update.

    I contacted my host, [moderated] (who are amazing – highly recommend – solved it in 5 minutes) and this is an exact quote about what caused the issue for me – might be the same for you:

    “Yeah! So it looks like the [wordpress] update messed up what’s called the .htaccess file (it basically tells the web server software some specific options for a site/folder). It was blocking all image files, but he’s removed that part of the file so that they load.”

    Now everything is back up and happy…media library is there…images there…no more crap-tastic looking posts void of images.
    contact your host and save yourself the headache – and if what I’m reading about GoDaddy’s attitude is true, switch to a better host…5 minute fix. Thank you, [moderated] and good luck. I hope this helps some of you.

    I second that. Or at least a way to add exceptions to individual posts. I love drop caps, but they don’t work (aesthetically) on every single one of my posts. It would be wonderful to be able to exclude these posts with an exceptions list.

    Thread Starter kissesan



    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: What is fckeditor ?

    I’ve just found several of these too and I have to admit I’m freaking out a bit…especially since I’ve noticed some unusual hits in google analytics. I found these in a list a crawl errors:


    You said these are hackers looking for exploits and that if we don’t have anything using this editor then we don’t need to worry, but how do I know if I have this? I’ve never seen it before, but when it comes to tech knowledge I learn on the fly (bit of an autodidact but I’m feeling out of my comfort level on this one).

    I’m assuming since they all received a 404 error that I don’t have it, but how can I be sure? And how can I prevent such malicious attempts in the future? Are there any good plugins that I should be aware of?

    I’ve never had any issues like this until recently and now I feel like I’m being bombarded with attempts to hack and hijack my site.

    I would really, really appreciate some help, guidance and advice. This is new territory for me and it’s shaking me up a bit and making me feel lost and a little overwhelmed.

    Thank you in advance. ?

    I’m having the same issue and have been since June. Since I have found no info on the subject other than lots of closed threads and disqus swearing that the issue was fixed I have reached out to Disqus to report the crawl error they are generating.

    I fully encourage you to do the same. The more people who report the issue the more likely something will be done about it. Just use their support page.

    I’m hoping they’ll be able to help me resolve the issue ASAP since it is negatively impacting every single page where I am hosting comments.
    I love Disqus and think its the best commenting platform by far, but if this continues I may have to switch to keep the all important Gods at Google happy with my site.

    I’ll be sure to post if I hear anything back from Disqus.

    Thread Starter kissesan


    thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I’ve looked in the footer section & the stylesheet of my editor and don’t see this section anywhere (sorry but I’m severely coding impaired). Can you tell me where, exactly, this is located?

    Thread Starter kissesan


    pretty please with sugar on top?

    Thread Starter kissesan


    I sniffed around a bit more and found a similar section, made the suggested correction and it seems to have done the trick! Thank you for saving my sanity!

    Thread Starter kissesan


    Thank you ??

    I’ve tried locating the portion you highlighted and I cannot find it anywhere in the editor. I found this in the fontburner pluging:

    .sIFR-active h1 {
    line-height: 1.2em;
    font-size: 16px;
    visibility: hidden;
    .sIFR-active h2 {
    line-height: 1.2em;
    font-size: 15px;
    visibility: hidden;
    .sIFR-active h3 {
    line-height: 1.2em;
    font-size: 14px;
    visibility: hidden;
    .sIFR-active h4 {
    line-height: 1.2em;
    font-size: 13px;
    visibility: hidden;

    This is maddening. I am using the 2010 Weaver theme if that helps at all.

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