Hi, Thanks for response. I had already created wordpress website 1st. then setup domain. Then setup web hosting thru Godaddy. From there setup under WordPress dashboard new domain and had that selected.
If you look at new domain though https://www.bellydancepa.net it shows as if I am just starting a new wordpress site without anything done.
It has been done. I have menus, koi theme, several pages. What happens is when I select under wordpress dashboard domain, https://www.bellydance.net, it goes to that 1 you are seeing.
Now, if I set back my domain to kitarabellydance.wordpress.com, which I shall do now, take a look at how web site should look.
Now wordpress is suppose to have it so it’s looks like this but with url showing up as https://www.bellydance.net. Here lies my frustration.
Try looking at https://www.kitarabellydance.wordpress.com now with me having domain set to above address. You will see completed website.
I would screen capture and past but not sure if can do that on forum vs. email. Thanks!