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  • Good grief Charlie Brown. I had already deactivated each plugin one by one with the same results. Deactivating MemberPress resolved the posting issue but not the countless others that were piling up as I kept getting emails from subscribers to my site about one issue after another.

    Then I decided to start deactivating Jetpack services one by one to see if that was the issue. Sorry I hadn’t thought about this before since I know Photon has never worked on any iteration of my site no matter which theme I was using.

    I got down to the bottom and deactivated “Spelling and Grammar” and poof; like magic all issues magically disappeared. There is your culprit. I like this particular feature in Jetpack if it can be resolved; otherwise I’ll just write all my posts in Word and then copy them over prior to publishing.

    I’m sending you the debug info to via the support section in a bit just in case you need that information.


    In addition to this and my Membership Plugin issue, my site has been under DOS attack. I just got back in and am setting up Wordfence and will keep Jetpack and Akismet running though. I’ll go through and deactivate everything then let you know what I find.

    error message : Jetpack: [auth_failed] Authorization header was malformed

    For some reason, even with MemberPress deactivated it won’t allow me to connect social media but the contact form does work as long as my subscription plugin is deactivated. I’m hoping to have that resolved today.

    Okay forget my last tantrum. I did more troubleshooting and found MemberPress plugin is the main culprit but even when it’s deactivated I still have an issue with a top post plugin and the Jetpack social sharing no longer connects. When I try to refresh the connections it fails (error message about the header).

    MemberPress will be logging in by tomorrow to troubleshoot themselves to see what the issue is. It’s still odd because they indicated no one has had any problems with the update and the same was said by the author of the top posts plugin.

    I guess all of sudden it’s just my site having these problems, which is odd because I use Customizr Pro for my theme so unless some I’m not really sure where to start.

    Anyway, the only thing I need help with is getting the Social to reconnect. when you have a chance. No hurry, I have a feeling there’s going to be other issues that I haven’t discovered yet.

    This is a hot mess. Now another plugin stopped working. Everything works fine when I deactivate Jetpack but stops when I reactivate it.

    I do not have a debug file located in the wp-content folder that you were referring to but I did paste the code into my wp-config file and tried to post but it still doesn’t work.

    I had Siteground roll back my site but then lost my draft that I had finished for posting and they can’t get it back. I updated both Worpress and Jetpack again to no avail. Jetpack is the problem. The two plugins I’m having issues with compatibility are updated on a regular basis (WordPress Popular Posts and Memberpess).

    I am now going to be a week behind on posting since Friday morning is the day to post to get the most responses. I’ve requested Siteground restore my site yet again to the most recent day. Once that’s done, I have no plans on updating Jetpack until this is resolved. I cannot afford to not have my Subscriptions not working and not be able to post.

    Sorry, the compatibility issue is not these other plugins it’s yours.

    Hey Jeremy,

    Thanks for getting back with me. It’s the Membership plugin I use for my subscribers. When I deactivate that, it will allow me to publish.

    I’ve sent an email to them to update their plugin. Really irritated because I lost my draft that took a couple of hours to write, which I’ll have to try to recreate tomorrow morning. As you may tell, I have a hard time letting go and forgiving LOL.


    First, the widget is way too big for my use within a post or the sidebar for that matter. Second, the settings only affect the default podcast channel.

    In my case, I use the player shortcode to put the 20 minute preview in the upper part of my posts, which relates to my default feed. The premium content player is at the end of each post and can only be accessed by premium subscribers to the site.

    What I was needing was to have the premium subscription link underneath the default player, which is listed in the settings but will not apply to the short code. I’m guessing because it is manually entered. I’ll just have to manually add the link, which is a pain but not a problem since I put all 300+ players in there when I started the preview feed (thanks to your suggestion).

    Anyway, the settings for subscribe in iTunes, Google Play and all that good stuff when checked do show up on the premium content player but link back to the default feed. Oops, wrong feed for the wrong player. That’s why I was suggesting two different settings for the two different feeds instead of having a catchall for all of the feeds a user has and hoping the right links get added to the right player.

    As for the the password protected feeds not working in other services; yes it does work. The modification code on your site for my htaccess file fixed the problem but I have to inform folks to use the same feed but with http not https since I have SSL on my site in order for it to work. You just can’t have it listed in their stores but users can manually subscribe to it, which is what your link will take them to when they click on it. However, those links when enabled under settings take them to the wrong feed (see above) by default; not the premium content feed to manually subscribe in these alternate services. I hope I’m explaining it right. I just wanted to make it easier for my subscribers to set it up in iTunes or whatever app on their smartphones or tablets.

    We care, are you getting an impression otherwise?

    Oh I know you do, I was speaking more in general about making things easier (which you guys do) for running a podcast and putting things in place that keep up with social networking. Several years ago I was betting on Facebook going the way of MySpace but that ain’t happening. They’re just getting bigger and bigger and have become one of the most important aspects to reaching more eyeballs. I’ll be playing around with the API in Facebook to see how I can meld the two on my own over the next week. I’m self-taught in all this stuff and usually just stumble onto the solution LOL.

    Honestly, as big of a pain as I’ve been, you should consider making a pro version of your plugin to make some money off of it. Ya’ll put a lot of time and effort into the best streaming player plugin, so I wouldn’t blame you if you did. Libsyn finally got after it for WordPress but that’s only for their users so you do have a leg way up on them.

    One final thought: I haven’t forgotten what you’ve done for me. Thanks for everything!

    No problem, I figured it out. Played around with the source on my page until I got it where I wanted and then added the code to my CSS editor.

    But, for future reference, when you create a custom label (i.e. message) that prevents a non-member from accessing premium content there should be a shaded box maybe even border in the background of that message so that it stands apart from your post. Otherwise, the message just appears to be part of your post adding confusion to the person wondering why they can’t access it.

    Here’s what I did.

    ding ding ding; I now think that may be the correct course to take. I’ve added four separate feeds and will go back and add each episode to the correct feed instead of a blanket “premium podcast” which gives users access to everything regardless of which membership they sign up for.

    My hope is that each higher level of membership will inherit the capabilities of it’s parent (the way it’s setup in Groups).

    I think this is the way to go but won’t know for sure until all 500+ episodes have been updated. My only issue is that the PowerPress’ capability drop-down list DOES NOT show any newly created capabilities (a la your example with the MemberPress plugin). Since I’m using WooCommerce and their Subscription, Membership and Group plugins + the free Groups plugin my only option is to select Premium Content capability. There are “manage WooCommerce Membership” and a “manage WooCoomerce membership plan” capabilities present in your drop-down list but that appears to be more administrative.

    This will take all day to finish. Hoping this works.

    Angelo, I’ve got one more hiccup and it’s kinda big that I can’t seem to wrap my head around. Sorry, I just realized it this morning when I went to add my own custom label.

    I have four levels of Memberships that were created; each with its own access restriction. When I login as a Bronze member (my base membership) I still have access to ALL of the podcasts.

    I’m thinking, I need to create four different Podcast Channels for each membership level. The podcast channel recognizes several capabilities that are pre-built into Groups but it does not recognize (list) a manually added capability in the drop down on the “Other Settings” tab.

    For instance, I have a Bronze group that has a bronze capability that derives from the capability of premium_content. Woocommerce understands that and throws up a restriction to any category/podcast not included in the bronze capability. PowerPress however does not. It allows access to all membership levels as long as you’re a Premium Subscriber.

    I am about to add shortcode to all of my posts so that every level from Customer on up can read my entire posts but I need to ensure that folks that sign up for a membership only have access to what’s included in the plan they signed up for.

    Am I missing something or is there a workaround for this?

    Hey Angelo, thanks for getting back with me.

    On the question as to why I thought I may not get any support in the forum came straight from the tools section of PowerPress for adding a password to the feed. “Due to this feature’s complexity, it is not supported by”

    I can’t complain, because your plugin does allow for these capabilities and you also provide enough information in your FAQ section to get this setup. I actually assist Business customers with roles and capabilities for a major online retailer but this is definitely more in depth and has far more extensive requirements to make it work.

    It was my oversight of setting up my own account prior to integrating the PowerPress password protection and Groups. Setting it up after the fact did not switch my Membership over to the correct role in WordPress so PowerPress did not allow me access. Once I manually switched the role from Subscriber to Premium Subscriber in WordPress it worked exactly as it should.

    I’ve gone back and tested other accounts. The correct roles (with the associated capabilities) automatically apply when a Customer signs up for one of the Membership plans.

    I have one last issue with the Groups plugin not allowing user access to the product page for the plans so they can view the different options but that has nothing to do with PowerPress.

    I do need to see what I can do about the standard WordPress feed and how I can block it without affecting the new feed that was created through the Podcast Channel for password protection. I know how to block it but am not sure how that affects the Premium Content feed. I just want to ensure there is no back door to access the content.

    On the other hand, I may still need it because I’m thinking about posting preview episodes alongside the Premium version of the same episode. I’ll be testing all of that out shortly.

    The whole point of the Membership site was to cover my costs associated with hosting my files through AWS, which is not as inexpensive as it’s touted to be. Adding preview files raises my costs for storage and data access even further. Once up and running, I’ll have to weigh those costs against my intake to see if any of this is even worth it. It may even be cheaper to move everything back over to Blubrry where I can have a reasonable expectation as to what my monthly costs will be. I’ll know soon enough.

    Thanks again!

    Answer to my own question. I had subscribed myself before setting up groups and adding password protection to ensure the sign-up process worked as it should.

    Since the Premium Subscriber role was not present, I was only listed as “Subscriber” not “Premium Subscriber.” I switched it over in WordPress Users and now it works as it should.


    WOW Chris, wasn’t expecting you to be working on the weekend LOL.

    Actually, my site is still live as I’m performing a backup at the moment.

    CSS code for the border would be great.

    As for the height adjustment, that’s fine. Because of the way I setup the widget, I went back and edited down several of the larger testimonials manually, which reduced a great deal of space at the bottom, so I can live with that.

    As for the delay when loading, I had to turn off minify in my cache plugin as it wasn’t playing nice with my site. For the foreseeable future, that’s out my control.


    Asked and answered. I cleared Chrome’s cache and presto, everything was glorious in Kansas, well almost. See new post.

    I’m thinking this has to do the my image optimization plugin I just installed. Trying to get it fixed now.

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