Hi semidivine,
i have a problem with get_excerpt too. I also use eventcalendar3. What exactly did you change?
I am not getting the excerpt, that I put into the database. The system is making its own excerpt with the result, the it is not good formatted and longer than intended. ??
This is my code:
$postlist_1 = get_posts('numberposts=36&category=6');
$postlist = array_reverse($postlist_1);
if ($postlist) {
foreach ($postlist as $post) {
echo '<h2 id="post-', the_ID(), '"><a href="', the_permalink(), '" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to ', the_title(), '">', the_title(), '</a></h2>';
echo('<div class="entry">');
echo "</div>";
Thanks in advance!