Forum Replies Created

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  • That URL structure could be created with parent pages and child pages, or it could be created with post categories and subcategories, provided the permalinks are set up to show that.

    What is you want to achieve?

    do I really have to edit every single post and page manually

    Yes. The plugin doesn’t add the shortcode; it just parses the shortcode. You added the shortcode, so you have to remove them.

    If you are handy with MySQL queries, you could remove them from the database directly with a single query, however.

    .tagcloud .tag-cloud-link { background: #ffffff;}

    article:not(.card-style) .listpost-content-wrap-large {background: rgba(255,255,255,.69) none repeat scroll 0% 0%;}

    No need to use “wordpress” as a tag.

    Membership plugins are here:

    You can add or edit user roles with these plugins:

    There are page builder plugins here:

    Keep in mind, WordPress’s open system means that some of these plugins may not play nicely with each other, or with a given theme.It’s rare, but it happens. There are no rules about that. (Most plugin developers test with the default Twenty-series of themes that ship with WP.)

    There are also commercial versions of these things, but we can’t really provide support for them in this forum as we don’t have access to them. Read reviews carefully, and if you decide to buy something, ask a lot of questions before you do.

    You are asking for things which are not contained in WordPress core, therefore there is no really guarantee that you can find one ring to rule them all (and in the darkness bind them). I suggest you set up a test environment somewhere and try out different combinations until you find what you like and what works, before going live on a production site with an untested combination of themes and plugins.

    If you do have questions about themes and plugins from, remember that each theme and plugin has its own dedicated support forum. If you post your query there, the developers have a higher chance of seeing it.

    Good luck!

    Please stop giving ultimately stupid answers.

    @ayu1: Your attitude is rude and disrespectful. You are actually discouraging people from helping you.

    Please remember that WordPress is free, and the help you get on this forum is free. Because this help is free, you can’t dictate who helps you or what kind of help you get. Please read the forum rules, and try to remember that most people who respond to you are genuinely trying to help you. Remember, you couldn’t figure this out, and you actually have access to your site and the code involved.

    I understand how frustrating these issues can be. (I’ve been there myself, as have most of us.) If this is urgent, and you are not satisfied with the help you can get here, I suggest trying

    @khushbu1983: Thanks for helping out. Please don’t be discouraged by this experience.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by kjodle. Reason: Added note about frustration

    I’m so glad you got this sorted. Happy WordPressing!

    And thanks for coming back to mark this thread “Resolved”.

    Right now, you’re using 2016, and I see the author name on this post as “Bruce Wilson”:

    I also see the full comment area. I’ve added a comment linking to this thread to see if commenting works. (Feel free to delete it.)

    If you can’t see that on the front end, try emptying your browser cache.

    I really don’t want to have to start over, but will if I can’t get it figured out in a day or so.

    I would try cloning this into a localhost environment where you can play around with it without affecting the live site. In fact, you could start with a fresh install there, and just add things (themes, plugins, child themes) in until you find what is causing the problem. You could even remove any database tables that are not related to WordPress core. Sometimes you just really need to dig deep into the plumbing on some of these issues.

    My advice about marking things as urgent is based on my experience as a moderator in other forums. From behind-the-scenes and offline discussions, I have found that this actually discourages a lot of people from offering help. You have an interesting case, and I really do want to help get this sorted for you.

    Ah, you’re right! Good catch! Sorry for my mistake.

    I feel like such a fool, I should have known this.

    Ah, no worries. We’ve all been there. I still leave out a semicolon and bring everything crashing down. Sometimes you really need a second set of eyes.

    I’m glad you got it sorted! Very happy to help. Don’t forget to mark this “resolved” when you get a moment.

    Are you using any CPT plugins? If so, have you disabled them? Are their settings removed from the database? Have you checked your server error logs? Have you tried enabling WP_DEBUG?

    this is rather urgent

    Please reply only if you really think you can help…..replies such as “wow that’s a bummer did you try XXX? (XXX being something I list above as already tried) just removes this from the no-replies filter making it less likely I’ll get help from another developer or moderator…..and this really is urgent.

    In general, it’s bad form to mark your threads as “urgent” in any forum. Everybody’s problem is urgent to them, and all the advice on this forum is provided by volunteers. If it is highly urgent (especially if this is for a commercial site), you should try

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Catagorizes

    I’m not quite sure what you are asking.

    Also, the site you linked to is running Plesk, not WordPress. I see no “blog” anywhere on that front page.

    Which one is good and not too complex

    That entirely depends on what you mean by “good” and “complex”. In general, the default Twenty-something themes are safe bets, as they follow standard WordPress coding practices.

    How do I get my 2nd website running?

    I’ve never used Siteground, but most hosts will allow you to use a subdomain (i.e., You could also just buy a second domain name and add it to your Siteground account (i.e., and

    No. Your best bet is to clone your existing site into a subdomain or even into a localhost environment, and do your experimenting there.

    You’ll need to first determine where this is coming from before you can figure out how to prevent it. Try the usual WordPress debugging techniques.

    I’d start by disabling all your plugins to see if that resolves the issue.

    Also, have you edited any theme or WordPress core files?

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