Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Wrong details in case of new productsthank you. could you answer also for the rest of my questions? I need as much details as possible to be able to replicate the problem on my site
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Wrong details in case of new productshello,
could you:
- give me the link to the product (front page view) which has this problem
- let me know what is desired lowest price to be displayed and what price it displays when my plugin is enabled
- is it variable product or regular one?
- does this product has some special pricing rules (like discounts, dynamic discounts from 3rd party plugins)?
- when the product has been created?
- what was the changes of the price for this product and when did you do those changes?
- do you use any caching plugin on your site (if yes, please disable and check if you see the issue)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Wrong details in case of the recently created productshello, I will close this one as duplicate of https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/wrong-details-in-case-of-new-products-2/ and lets continue there
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Z?a cena minimalna na stronie sklepu / kategoriiprzypominam sie, czy problem nadal wystepuje? jesli tak, czy moge dostac odpowiedz na powyzsze pytania?
hello, do they offer a free version of their plugin? I can’t find it on their site and I can’t afford spending money on it as my plugin is free and I don’t earn anything.
But in general, if their plugin generates discounts dynamically (which means, there are no updates to the price saved in the database and discount is calculated “on the fly”). This is impossible to track such prices (plus according to EU law, you don’t need to take into account such prices when you are going to inform customer about the lowest price in last 30 days – but please double check this with your local regulators on your country level).Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WC Price History] Easy & lightweight pluginthank you very much for your review ?? I am happy you like it
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Notification in backend doesn’t disappearp.s. I described your problem and possible solution in the documentation, please check here:
https://wcpricehistory.com/tuorials-howtos/tutorials/how-does-first-product-scan-works/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Notification in backend doesn’t disappearHello,
thank you for reporting this. How many products do you have?
The plugin works like that: on every admin page visit it gets 50 products from your database and updates their history. When there are no more products without history, it shows info that scanning is finished.So if you have 200 products, you need 200/50=4 admin page visits to finish this process. For 1000 you will need 20 page visits and so on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] appearancecould you provide me steps how to configure such product, step by step?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Z?a cena minimalna na stronie sklepu / kategoriiwygl?da to na bug, doda?em wst?pnie ticket tu
ale potrzebuj? wiecej informacji. widz?, ?e to produkt z wariantami ale nie wiem jaka jest data startu promocji. promocja ju? trwa na tych zrzutach ekranu czy jeszcze si? nie rozpocz??a?
generalnie: prosz? opisa? krok po kroku jak mia?bym stworzy? taki produkt by odwzorowa? ten b??dForum: Reviews
In reply to: [WC Price History] B??dna cena z ostatnich 30 dnichyba nie b?dzie ?atwego sposobu by to naprawi?: po ka?dym zapisaniu produktu w kokpicie, moja wtyczka dodaje do historii cene pobran? przez
jak zgaduje ta wtyczka do cen hurtowych ingeruje w to co zwraca powyzsza funkcja i podaje cene hurtow?. skontaktowa?bym si? na Waszym miejscu z autorem tej drugiej wtyczki czy da si? to jako? zmieni?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Brak informacji przy cenie wariantudzi?kuj? za to zg?oszenie. Ju? by?o to zg?aszane i mam utworzony ticket do tego na githubie https://github.com/kkarpieszuk/wc-price-history/issues/119 Na pewno wprowadz? t? zmian? ale nie potrafi? okre?li? kiedy. Polub https://github.com/kkarpieszuk/wc-price-history/issues/119 daj?c serduszko a b?d? mia? sygnal by zaj?? si? tym w pierwszej kolejno?ci
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] appearancehello, thank you for reporting it. Please confirm this is the same as reported here, right?
https://github.com/kkarpieszuk/wc-price-history/issues/119Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WC Price History] Great plugin!hi, thanks. Maybe it is a good idea. How would you like to see it? Just next to the product page, crossed out, yes?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WC Price History] Great plugin! Awesome support.thank you very much, I appreciate this!