Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] collisionthank you, I will share your info in the FAQ section ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Variable Products Lowest Pricethank you for feedback. I logged GH issue for this https://github.com/kkarpieszuk/wc-price-history/issues/119
I think I will make it configurable in case some countries regulations require to display it differently but you suggestion will be included.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] collisioncould you tell me what plugin it is? I will be recommending it for the users ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] 2.1.2 release is ready! multisite support is ready!to zalezy jak jest wtyczka ustawiona w woocommerce > wc price history.
jesli ustawiona jest by pokazywac zawsze najnizsza cene, to wtedy pokaze wlasnie te, bo jest ona najnizsza w ciagu ostatnich 30 dni, lacznie z dniem ustawienia
jesli jest ustawiona by pokazywac tylko w promowanych produktach, trzeba wtedy zaznaczyc by nie pokazywalo ceny z dnia rozpoczecia promocji. do tego dodatkowo po dodaniu ceny promocyjnej w “schedule” ponizej ceny trzeba wybrac dzien w ktorym zaczyna sie promocja. czyli prosze wybrac dzien kiedy Panstwo ustawili cene 89,99, nei bedzie ona wtedy uwzglednianaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Variables has 0,00€ price in last 30 daysI can’t. I see we both must be online when I try to download. Please share it on wetransfer and send me link to it directly to my mailbox. I have email account on gmail.com and my login there is the same as here (I guess you will figure this out what is my email address ?? )
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] collisionthanks, could you describe scenario how to configure some scenario, to be the same as yours? Let’s say I am installation that plugin, then what should I do, step by step?
Myslím, ?e m??ete odpoveda? v sloven?ine: ak vidíte túto vetu správne napísanú vo va?om jazyku, znamená to, ?e ju m??em pomocou rovnakej umelej inteligencie (v tomto prípade deepl) prelo?i? sp?? do m?jho jazyka, po??tiny ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] wpmugood news! the new release 2.1.2 fixing this problem is ready to be downloaded!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Variable Products Lowest Pricethis is good point. what do you think it should display in that case? no lowest price before selection of the variation or the range (like “lowest price in last 30 days was 10-20 USD depending on variation”)?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Variables has 0,00€ price in last 30 dayssorry, I just found it does not export variations in free version. So pleade use wp-admin > tools > export and export products and variations from there
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Variables has 0,00€ price in last 30 dayscould you install this plugin
and export problematic product to CSV and share with me? only one product pleaseForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] when entering sale dates price is gonesure, the code to contact is 56Jj34t7B
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] collisionwhere can I download this addon?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] wpmuhello, yes this is something I definitely should fix. I logged the issue on github, please subscribe there if you want to see when this is done
https://github.com/kkarpieszuk/wc-price-history/issues/100Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Woo Product Bundlestroche pozno odpisuje ale jestem tak zalozony praca ze nie dalem rady szybciej ?? jesli to aktualne to prosze napisac na moj email. poczta na gmail, a login taki sam jak tutaj
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WC Price History] Przechowywanie danych w “wp_postmeta”Hej, dzieki za uzywanie mojej wtyczki.
Co do decyzji o struktorze danych to tez widze juz ten problem. Niestety gdy tworzylem pierwsza wersje nie wiedzialem jeszcze jakie problemy sie pojawia i ze faktycznie trzeba bedzie skanowac wszystkie produkty na starcie (a musze to robic bo jesli mialo by to byc dopiero na edycji produktu, to nie pojawiala by sie cena po kazdym ze 100k produktow dopoki ktos nie bedzie edytowal kazdego z tych 100k produktow)
Na pewno przyszle wersje wtyczki beda korzystac z wlasnych tabel i bedzie mechanizm migracji starej struktury z post_meta