Forum Replies Created
OK, looks good so far! I cleared SuperCache and added the exclusion too. Did a manual scan and it went well. Monitored the CPU and Mem Usage in CPanel and it was 0.6% CPU and 0.4% Mem while it was running. I’d say that’s pretty good.
[Oct 27 14:00:37] Scan Complete. Scanned 4935 files, 22 plugins, 3 themes, 46 pages, 97 comments and 17049 records in 234 seconds.
[Oct 27 14:00:37] Wordfence used 45.53MB of memory for scan. Server peak memory usage was: 79.39MBwas the output final 2 lines. Looks like that did the trick!
Will let you know if it pops back into problem range, but this seemed to be the fix. Not sure why but I see my BackupBuddy jumped by 80MB in one week, and I didn’t do any content changes at all. Perhaps Super-Cache didn’t dump the garbage or something. Hmmm!
@wfmattr Greatly appreciate your excellent help on this! I’m going to upgrade to premium as I switch over to new host and updated site. Outstanding support!
Now that I have unchecked the “enable automatic scheduled scans” things stayed flat on the CPU usage. So that kinda-sorta confirms that is the problem I think. HG released me from the temp suspension from what I can tell. Very interesting that they STILL have not responded to my ticket from Sunday afternoon.
I had several plug-ins update last week. Wonder if that might be the issue.
@wfmattr should I send you my system info by email.
My thought is is @lightrunner and I both have a plugin or two in common, that might be something to disable and turn scans back on and see if we get in trouble again. ??
@lightrunner same except I’m at 84% :^)
What is amazing is that
I’m not getting any support from HG
, but MattR and Wordfence are VERY HELPFUL. Hmmmm!
I’ve run WF for a couple years and this blog has been almost static content wise for most of this year. Only changes have been WP and other plugin updates from time to time.
I’ll post anything if I get going.
Thanks Matt! Super nice to get a reply so quickly!
I turned off auto scans– good idea. But I sure love how that keeps me updated.
Sent you an email with the access files attached.
Scans to include section is in the email I sent too. Didn’t allow it to copy correctly here.
Standing by for any more requests for info.
Thanks for the timely reply! I’m heading over to check on the locations and see if I can find any helpful info.
Here’s what it is sending in the notice I received that they were temporarily suspending my account: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wordfence_doScan&isFork=1&c
The account SSL cert is expired, HG didn’t update it on time. Arrgh! Just found that out too as it is noted in the email.
Could that cause a mismatch?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP error notice when updating plug-ins since 3.7 updateMy problems were definitely related to temporary SSL connection issues. Hope others find something similar. Although with updating to 3.8 who knows what we may find?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP error notice when updating plug-ins since 3.7 updateWas able to check with Tech support… they traced my problem to a DNS issue that they “say” was temporary. They sent me some ping tests they did from my root. I’m on a business acct shared server but dedicated IP and SSL so a bit limited in access and resources. HG moved us server wise from TX to UT a couple months ago and some DNS and move gremlins have been obvious.
At least for now, this one might be the issue since the error was a missing ssl connex. SSL is more finicky about connection than open data and if timeout is short or latency above 70 ms it does tend to induce errors or failed handshakes.
We’ll see…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP error notice when updating plug-ins since 3.7 updateNot seeing the error now when updating plug-ins at least. The last 3 went through without getting the PHP error. I don’t know if it is server-specific either. Seems more common than that to me as well.
I am not sure if my host did anything, but I’ve been too busy to fiddle with it much. I’ll keep my eye on this and let you know if I figure out anything. Might be something has been overwritten now and the problem is dealt with too.
Thanks for input. Some comfort in knowing that I’m not alone with the issue. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP error notice when updating plug-ins since 3.7 updateThanks for such quick reply! Blown away by the speed. ??
I’ll put a support ticket in to Hostgator and see what they say. Since it is SSL related I wonder if the cert might be an issue. Recently renewed it so I’ll have them check that aspect too.
Appreciate your help esmi!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] When W3TC is on, kills various site features/javascriptsBump! I too have a similar issue and would like to know how much we give up if not using Minify?
Thanks in advance!