Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] Main menu not showing on mobile devices@ejwickes, this thread is specifically for the ‘minamaze’ theme
you should ask x theme for support or something
the trick is always code it yourself, i am actually irritated at most themes
piling up plugins is just going to make a bigger mess
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Shortcode for Google Maps] recenter map on window resize?i already showed how to center on resize, it’s built into the api, no manual timeouts needed
pippin, can you adjust the plugin?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] how do I make pages that do not appear in the menuall the options are in appearance>menus, unless the theme you’re using doesnt utilize this feature (in which case you’re going to have to modify or change the theme, or use private pages so that only logged in people can view them)
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Block Referral Spam] Plz add too!you can just edit the blocker.php file to add that other domain for now
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] limit the number of images created by themeyes changes get lost when updating, that’s why you manually update by comparing the files
you’re in the same situation with a child theme (when specifically doing php modifications) since the docs suggest you copy the original file to your child theme… but then what will happen when the parent updates? you have to copy their new file again or risk having something break since the child theme is loading an old version of the code
redtail, try commenting out the whole section, see how things work, etc
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADD CUSTOM FEATURED IMAGE SIZES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if ( ! function_exists( 'thinkup_input_addimagesizes' ) ) { function thinkup_input_addimagesizes() { /* 1 Column Layout */ add_image_size( 'column1-1/1', 960, 960, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-1/2', 960, 480, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-1/3', 960, 320, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-2/3', 960, 640, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-1/4', 960, 240, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-3/4', 960, 720, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-1/5', 960, 192, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-2/5', 960, 384, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-3/5', 960, 576, true ); add_image_size( 'column1-4/5', 960, 768, true ); /* 2 Column Layout */ add_image_size( 'column2-1/1', 480, 480, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-1/2', 480, 240, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-1/3', 480, 160, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-2/3', 480, 320, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-1/4', 480, 120, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-3/4', 480, 360, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-1/5', 480, 96, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-2/5', 480, 192, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-3/5', 480, 288, true ); add_image_size( 'column2-4/5', 480, 384, true ); /* 3 Column Layout */ add_image_size( 'column3-1/1', 320, 320, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-1/2', 320, 160, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-1/3', 320, 107, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-2/3', 320, 213, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-1/4', 320, 80, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-3/4', 320, 240, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-1/5', 320, 64, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-2/5', 320, 128, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-3/5', 320, 192, true ); add_image_size( 'column3-4/5', 320, 256, true ); /* 4 Column Layout */ add_image_size( 'column4-1/1', 240, 240, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-1/2', 240, 120, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-1/3', 240, 80, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-2/3', 240, 160, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-1/4', 240, 60, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-3/4', 240, 180, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-1/5', 240, 48, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-2/5', 240, 96, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-3/5', 240, 144, true ); add_image_size( 'column4-4/5', 240, 192, true ); } add_action( 'init', 'thinkup_input_addimagesizes' ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'thinkup_input_showimagesizes' ) ) { function thinkup_input_showimagesizes($sizes) { /* 1 Column Layout */ $sizes['column1-1/1'] = 'Full - 1:1'; $sizes['column1-1/2'] = 'Full - 1:2'; $sizes['column1-1/3'] = 'Full - 1:3'; $sizes['column1-2/3'] = 'Full - 2:3'; $sizes['column1-1/4'] = 'Full - 1:4'; $sizes['column1-3/4'] = 'Full - 3:4'; $sizes['column1-1/5'] = 'Full - 1:5'; $sizes['column1-2/5'] = 'Full - 2:5'; $sizes['column1-3/5'] = 'Full - 3:5'; $sizes['column1-4/5'] = 'Full - 4:5'; /* 2 Column Layout */ $sizes['column2-1/1'] = 'Half - 1:1'; $sizes['column2-1/2'] = 'Half - 1:2'; $sizes['column2-1/3'] = 'Half - 1:3'; $sizes['column2-2/3'] = 'Half - 2:3'; $sizes['column2-1/4'] = 'Half - 1:4'; $sizes['column2-3/4'] = 'Half - 3:4'; $sizes['column2-1/5'] = 'Half - 1:5'; $sizes['column2-2/5'] = 'Half - 2:5'; $sizes['column2-3/5'] = 'Half - 3:5'; $sizes['column2-4/5'] = 'Half - 4:5'; /* 3 Column Layout */ $sizes['column3-1/1'] = 'Third - 1:1'; $sizes['column3-1/2'] = 'Third - 1:2'; $sizes['column3-1/3'] = 'Third - 1:3'; $sizes['column3-2/3'] = 'Third - 2:3'; $sizes['column3-1/4'] = 'Third - 1:4'; $sizes['column3-3/4'] = 'Third - 3:4'; $sizes['column3-1/5'] = 'Third - 1:5'; $sizes['column3-2/5'] = 'Third - 2:5'; $sizes['column3-3/5'] = 'Third - 3:5'; $sizes['column3-4/5'] = 'Third - 4:5'; /* 4 Column Layout */ $sizes['column4-1/1'] = 'Quarter - 1:1'; $sizes['column4-1/2'] = 'Quarter - 1:2'; $sizes['column4-1/3'] = 'Quarter - 1:3'; $sizes['column4-2/3'] = 'Quarter - 2:3'; $sizes['column4-1/4'] = 'Quarter - 1:4'; $sizes['column4-3/4'] = 'Quarter - 3:4'; $sizes['column4-1/5'] = 'Quarter - 1:5'; $sizes['column4-2/5'] = 'Quarter - 2:5'; $sizes['column4-3/5'] = 'Quarter - 3:5'; $sizes['column4-4/5'] = 'Quarter - 4:5'; return $sizes; } add_filter('image_size_names_choose', 'thinkup_input_showimagesizes'); }
the slideshow uses the full image, not thumbs… seems the home page featured boxes do too…
if ( is_front_page() or thinkup_check_ishome() ) { if ( empty( $thinkup_homepage_sectionswitch ) or $thinkup_homepage_sectionswitch == '1' ) { echo '<div id="section-home"><div id="section-home-inner">'; echo '<article class="section1 one_third">', '<div class="section">', '<div class="entry-header">'; if ( empty( $thinkup_homepage_section1_image ) ) { echo '<img src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/slideshow/featured1.png' . '" alt="" />'; } else { echo '<img src="' . $thinkup_homepage_section1_image[0] . '" alt="" />'; }
gee, maybe these sizes really arent used AT ALL? i just did a find in files in my text editor looking for any reference to those sizes… there is none, they are generated for nothing, only the pro version of the theme would ever use them since it has a layout builder, so this free version of minamaze is inefficient & bloated
remember to note down what file you change, keep backups, NOT update through wp-admin but compare your modified files to the new version when it comes out, integrate the changes in, then upload your modified new version (or attempt to make a child theme)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] limit the number of images created by themei dont know what to tell you, the file is there in the minamaze folder, i’m looking at the latest zip & of course my modification of the previous version
as for having 3 boxes, that’s a common trait many sites do for the last few years, so you should easily find it in various other themes, or even code or have someone code your own boxes since they’re quite simple
i would think about the rest of the design when choosing what theme to use, as one thing that bugs me from the very start of loading minamaze is the tiny font size along with a few other details, making it seem not as well thought out as it should be
now about those generated thumbnails, they technically dont matter, they merely make uploading new images a little slower, but it’s not like they cause any harm once generated, there arent many hosting providers left where you have to worry about a few more MB storage use
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] limit the number of images created by themethat’s right, modifying the theme files means you need to pay attention when updating it (to do the same modification again)
karenrbnt, it should stop generating so many (as i’ve done this), the only ones left are the 3 default WP thumb sizes
it wont delete the existing generated files, & using a thumbnail regenerating plugin wont/shouldnt delete the existing ones, you can just manually delete them or leave them
also, the 3 home page boxes may need one of the theme’s sizes (or again modify the code that displays the image)
child themes would be good, but i couldnt get it to show the theme options in wp-admin, & as i understood them, you’re still copying the source files to your child theme, so when the parent updates, you have to copy the updated file & make your changes again… defeating the purpose of a child theme
this theme is a little odd when you look at its code, some parts are commented out to remove pro version features, other parts have leftovers from the pro version that arent really used on the frontend, yet still take up processing power
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] Featured Area / Content Area 1, 2, 3you can do anything when you modify the theme files…
mrcaddie, what do you mean it looks horrible? was it aliased or what happened? screenshots & links would be nice
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] Changed post links.. will Google hate on me?make them redirect? there are plugins for 301 redirects, the main idea is to not make those old urls give a 404 not found, but to have them load while also telling crawlers to use the new url (it’s not like you can edit a link to you on a random forum, so at some point, someone is going to run into the old url & it needs to gracefully work)
as for google… well if you added your site on webmaster tools, you can make a request to remove old urls then add new ones or just refresh the sitemap
this question is an SEO/google question anyway, shouldnt be here in the minamaze forum or on WP at all
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] Minamaze Child Themei gave up on trying to make a child theme, ended up modifying the main one
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] Text in slider image doesn't show properly on mobilesyou can override the theme’s default design for the text to make it smaller (or hide it) for mobile
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] Main menu not showing on mobile deviceslink to site, which devices? what do you mean by short version of the menu?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] limit the number of images created by themeline 205 to 313 of /minamaze/admin/main/options/00.theme-setup.php
the reason is for having multiple layouts, but i have the feeling that’s only useful for the pro version of the theme that has a layout maker
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Minamaze] how do I make pages that do not appear in the menuappearance>menus?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flamingo] can I forward messages from flamingo to my personal emaili mean, sometimes flagged mail gets discarded before reaching your inbox (not even your junk folder)
the potential for flagging comes from the fact that a website as opposed to a person is sending the email, & that the from address might not be the reply-to address (even if both addresses exist, the mail headers show that it was sent from php not a mail client)
have you tried other contact plugins that send emails from WP? i would also tell the web host & your mail provider that some of these mails arent going through, in case they have something you can try or something they can unflag
edit: email sucks, it’s decades old, full of problems, full of spammers, unencrypted, etc… need something new to come out