Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Taxonomy TinyMCE] Description field blank while it has contentI am also experiencing this problem. This happens when you want to edit the category as soon as the TinyMCE editor loads. I’ll dig a little deeper and see if I can figure anything out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Type Manager] Custom Content Type 404 after 3.7 UpgradeI am also experiencing this problem with the upgrade. I get the 404s whether or not categories are enabled, and whether or not I have “rewrite with permalink front” checked. I can’t seem to view my CCTs under any circumstances.
I am not getting any errors in my error log either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Type Manager] Site Definitions Revert on DevelopmentIt appears that the cctm_version value is in the database. The version on the plugins page also says version Does the pl mean anything?
It is the same on the live site.
btw, thanks for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Type Manager] Site Definitions Revert on DevelopmentI’m not running any install scripts. The rest of the wp_options table remains intact. It is only the cctm_data row that is reverted.
I figured it out. CCTM was flushing the rewrite rules. I turned that setting off in CCTM and voila! The single events showed up.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Whitescreen Upon WordPress UpdateLikely your theme was using wpdb::prepare incorrectly. See the post here
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab] Editor enabled but still doesn't show upThis seems to be an incompatibility with bbpress threaded replies. I was able to get around it by adding
remove_filter('bbp_use_wp_editor', '__return_false');
to my theme’s functions.php file.Forum: Hacks
In reply to: username_exists does not work with special charsThere is also another gotcha with using username_exists() vs wp_insert_user(). If you try to check the username ??????? for example, if you use username_exists(sanitize_user($login,true)), you will get null, but if you try to use wp_insert_user, you will get an error.
This can be an issue if you are importing users from a system that allows special characters. The way I got around that is to use:
if (username_exists(sanitize_user($login,true)) || '' == sanitize_user($login,true)) { // do not add user }
The problem seems to be on line 704 of wsl.authentication.php
// if user do not exist if( ! $hybridauth_user_id ){
I think this is checking to see if the user has been linked with the provider. There are a few problems with this. 1st, what if the user has never used the provider to login to this site? 2nd, even if the user has used the provider to login to the site previously, the $hybridauth_user_id is 0. There seems to be a problem with the wsl_get_user_by_meta() function on line 597. What I did to fix this is to check for an existing email instead. I replaced line 704 with the following:
if( ! email_exists($hybridauth_user_email) ){
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meteor Slides] New Images continue old sizeI was having the same problem and I believe that the problem happens because when you upload your images, WordPress creates those images cropped to all sizes you have specified throughout your site (including the meteor slides setting). Changing the meteor slides settings does not recrop the image, it just adds a setting for WP to crop to upon upload.
The solution is to make sure to change the meteor slides setting BEFORE you upload any images. If you change the setting, you will have to re-upload all associated images, then add them again as slides.