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  • Plugin Author K


    You could manually update the database version with the following code

    $options = get_option( 'projectmanager' );
    $options['dbversion'] = PROJECTMANAGER_DBVERSION;
    update_option('projectmanager', $options);

    Put these lines into functions.php, for example, and load any page.

    I need to point out that I cannot tell if your database and image folder structure is correct as, for reasons I don’t understand, the upgrade stopped with a timeout.

    If your database structure is not correct you should receive error messages about missing columns. Simply post any upcoming errors.

    The image folder structure needs to look like the following



    The important folders are all the Project-X folders. The backups folder only contains media backups you can also re-create in the import/export panel. The captchas folder is also dynamically generated and contains captchas from the frontend dataset forms

    Plugin Author K


    In addition, in my plugin the Form response Page is different to the Match edit page

    Plugin Author K


    I would be interested what Plugin you use, but it certainly is not mine! I can only guess that it is some kind of modification. The match edit Page is different to mine, with additional fields (None-league & Time tba) and different form types.

    Plugin Author K


    Defkon1, please contact me by email if you are still interested in contributing to the plugin.

    Plugin Author K


    strange, I have no problems adding multiple matches. Currently, I have no idea where the problem could come from.

    Could you post a screenshot of the match adding page before you hit the submit button and also the message that appears afterwards?

    Plugin Author K


    what about a link to your website?!?
    you can adjust all the styles through your theme stylesheet

    Plugin Author K


    then go to any page in the frontend and post the output

    Plugin Author K


    Maybe it’s easier this way. Copy the following code to your functions.php

    function showDatabaseColumnsLeaguemanager()
    		global  $wpdb;
    		$tables = array($wpdb->leaguemanager, $wpdb->leaguemanager_teams, $wpdb->leaguemanager_matches, $wpdb->leaguemanager_stats);
    		foreach( $tables AS $table ) {
    			$results = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table}");
    			$columns = array();
    			foreach ( $results AS $result ) {
    				$columns[] = "<li>".$result->Field." ".$result->Type.", NULL: ".$result->Null.", Default: ".$result->Default.", Extra: ".$result->Extra."</li>";
    			echo "<p>Table ".$table."<ul>";
    			echo implode("", $columns);
    			echo "</ul></p>";
    Plugin Author K


    what sport type do you use?

    Plugin Author K


    Well, sorry, but how do you think I can help on this?

    Plugin Author K


    Go to Appearance -> Customize. There should be a menu item Slider with submenu Activate Slider. There should be two options “Check to activate slider.” and “Check to use Fancy Slideshows”. Check both options.

    This will remove the theme default slider, but add a sidebar called “Frontpage Slider”, where you can add a slideshow widget.

    Before you do that, go to your media management. There will be a submenu Gallery where you can add as many galleries you want. Basically, they are categories for media files (So far only images are supported for slideshows).
    You can then add the images you want to appear in a slideshow into a gallery. In your case you also need to add the image caption to be your current slide title (in your green box) and image description to be your current subtitle (in your white box).

    Then simply add the slideshow widget to the Frontpage Slider sidebar and choose your image gallery as slide source. As slide overlay selet “Title & Description”. In addition you need to select as overlay style “Esteem”, which I added to reflect your current slide overlay. The other settings are up to you.

    The slide images are automatically cropped to the slideshow container dimensions you choose.

    Plugin Author K


    any updates?

    Plugin Author K


    Ich habe beschlossen dieses feature hinzuzufügen. Zus?tzlich zur Heim/Ausw?rtstabelle auch noch die Tabelle nach jedem Spieltag ??

    Plugin Author K


    I will need more information in order to help you. In what context do you use the code? If you only want to show the team page, I recommend you use the shortcode [team id=X]

    Plugin Author K


    I am not surprised by the error message. As I have stated before: your database user was or still is lacking the privilege to ALTER a databsae. Therefore, your database tables are lacking required columns.

    I have asked you twice already to post the column names of your wp_leaguemanager and wp_projectmanager tables, which you haven’t even commented on …

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