Koen Reus
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Post to Google My Business (Google Business Profile)] Works great for me!Hi @raymondbetwise,
Thanks for the kind words! Glad you’re enjoying the plugin.
Solved over email support.
Turned out Developer Share Buttons plugin was causing a conflict.
Hi there @tnchuntic,
Did you update to the latest version of the plugin, and refreshed the locations? I recently made some changes to the way locations are fetched from the API.
There’s no limit to the amount of locations. Its strange that it would only have 40-50 listings because the Google API returns 100 listings at a time…
Right now the plugin only checks for isLocalPostApiDisabled. If it is true, the location will be greyed out. But even if the location is unverified/unpublished the Post API is enabled. I’ll add some extra checks in the next update.
Hi @webportal,
I have just released an update that will check whether a location is eligible to use the Google My Business Post API. If it is not allowed to, it will be grayed out in the business listing selector.
If that’s the case, I would recommend asking for support in the Google My Business forums , to see why your business is not allowed to use it
Strange! Well the error you’re seeing is an error response from Google itself. For some reason it thinks your location is part of a chain.
Did the plugin ever work to create posts?
Hi @webportal,
How many locations do you have in your Google account?
Apparently businesses that are part of a chain (automatically detected by Google), can not use the Google API to create posts.
Meaning this plugin (or any other plugin/program) can’t be used to create posts.
I don’t think there’s much that can be done at the moment, it’s a limitation set by Google.
But I’m closely following the developments! If there’s any workaround or fix for it, I will update the plugin.
Good to hear, Thomas!
Be on the lookout for the next update!
Hi @tnchuntic,
Loading that many locations from a single Google account can cause the request to take so long that it will time out, resulting in that error.
Its a known issue and in the next update the listings will be loaded in a more efficient way.
As a temporary solution, you can increase the time WordPress will wait for a response using the following code snippet:
//Increase time WordPress will wait for a cURL response //Copy and paste code into Code Snippets plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/code-snippets/ add_filter('http_request_args', 'bal_http_request_args', 100, 1); function bal_http_request_args($r) //called on line 237 { $r['timeout'] = 30; return $r; } add_action('http_api_curl', 'bal_http_api_curl', 100, 1); function bal_http_api_curl($handle) //called on line 1315 { curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30 ); curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30 ); }
You can copy & paste it into the Code Snippets plugin or by manually putting it in your themes’ functions.php.
After applying the code snippet, reconnect to GMB through Post to GMB > Settings > “Reconnect to Google My Business” and refresh the locations list
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Koen Reus.
Hi Pawel,
That’s good to hear!
Hi Pawel,
Alright, let me know how it goes!
Hi Pawel,
If you’re using the “Quick Publish to GMB” checkbox, then yes.
Hi there!
Assuming you are using the auto-post function, you can strip out the Visual Composer shortcodes with the following code snippet:
function mbp_autopost_strip_shortcodes($args, $location){ $args['summary'] = preg_replace("~(?:\[/?)[^\]]+/?\]~s", '', $args['summary']); return $args; } add_filter('mbp_autopost_post_args', 'mbp_autopost_strip_shortcodes', 10, 2);
You can do this using the Code Snippets plugin, or by pasting the code in your themes’ functions.php
Hi @russdietz!
I see you already managed to make it work the way you need, but I just uploaded version 2.0.10 to the repository, which has a filter function for the autopost feature (mbp_autopost_post_args). With that you can do it a more elegant way:
Remove call to action:
<?php function autopost_remove_button($args, $location){ unset($args['callToAction']); return $args; } add_filter('mbp_autopost_post_args', 'autopost_remove_button', 10, 2); ?>
Edit the URL:
<?php function autopost_change_button_url($args, $location){ $args['callToAction']['url'] = 'https://example.com'; return $args; } add_filter('mbp_autopost_post_args', 'autopost_change_button_url', 10, 2); ?>
You can put these snippets in your themes’ functions.php or use a plugin like Code Snippets.
I’ve also added a feature to the Pro version of the plugin that allows editing the URL from the settings page, and use variables in it.
Hi @albator13,
Unfortunately it’s not possible to create reviews through Google’s API. If it were possible, your visitors would first have to authorize the app, which would be quite cumbersome on their end.
The best method right now is to send them to your Review link.
Hi Russ,
I can see how editing the wp_options would allow you to disable the button, but did you also manage to change the URL that way?
Be on the lookout for the next version, it should do what you need without having to edit the wp_options table! ??