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  • kole.krstev



    I have the same problem after upgrading to WordPress 3.5! Plus, adding hyperlinks into posts or pages was a problem too!

    I’ve added define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); in wp-config.php file, but that resolved only the switching between html and visual editors problem…

    BUT, I’ve installed “All-in-One Event Calendar Plugin” version 1.9.2 from their site, and the problems are gone! I still have Kino Events Calendar installed and working OK.

    The only problem is that I have two calendar plugins running but I use only KINO one :)))

    Also, on Kino Events Calendar, Tooltip text on Event Hover is not styled. To fix this I’ve commented lines 1134-1143 in “kino-events-plugin-folder/js/calendar.js.

    Hope this works for you too, cause at least solves the problems temporarily, so you find better option or wait maybe for Kino Events plugin update.


    You need to update template.php file (in your plugin directory).

    Comment line number 4:
    $events = get_posts("post_type=events&numberposts=-1");
    and insert this code:
    $events = get_posts("post_type=events&numberposts=-1&meta_key=_event_start_date&orderby=meta_value&order=ASC");


    You can order Events by “event start date” (most recent upcoming events on top).
    Use this line of code in template.php:

    $events = get_posts("post_type=events&numberposts=-1&meta_key=_event_start_date&orderby=meta_value&order=ASC");

    Works for me…

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