I see this thread is marked [Resolved] but no resolution is included.
I am having the same problem with SFC Share and Connect buttons.
The code is getting passed to the HTML but no button is rendered.
<fb:share-button href="https://ko.nilzero.com/eagle2/2010/09/03/carpenter-optimistic-about-future-salary-negotiations/" type="button_count"></fb:share-button>
appears at the end of my posts and
<fb:login-button perms="email" v="2" size="medium" onlogin="window.location='https://ko.nilzero.com/eagle2/wp-login.php?redirect_to='+document.URL;"><fb:intl>Connect with Facebook</fb:intl></fb:login-button>
appears in the code of my sidebar.
This is an example page.
Note: The like button and activity list show up just fine. And the Connect with Facebook button shows up on the admin side of things.