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  • Thread Starter kosoniscs


    Notei que no dia que postei o problema aqui o Melhor Envio n?o mostrava resultados de frete com a JadLog, aparecia como servi?o indisponível.
    O item que eu tentei adicionar ao carrinho era um pedido com frete pela JadLog, talvez o problema fosse esse.
    Chequei há pouco e a JadLog voltou a aparecer nas cota??es, mas n?o consigo testar se o “adicionar ao carrinho” está funcionando porque processei os pedidos manualmente.

    Thread Starter kosoniscs


    Hi @coraphors
    I could not find a new thread for your request, so I’ll reply, even though this issue is closed.
    For shipment calculation, I used the pluin Woo Better Shipping Calculator for Brazil.
    I solved my issue with hiden fields (contry and state) in cart page. I hope it helps you.
    Regarding the swatch issue, unfortunately I have no knowledge about to share you with you.

    Thread Starter kosoniscs


    Hey @shaunkuschel
    Following your reply I decided to unhide the country and state fields and it is working again. I also found a plugin (free) that properly hide these fields and do the work on background to make the calculation work. I’m not sure if I can share this plugin name here. If I can, let me know so I can contribute to other under the same situation I was.

    Thread Starter kosoniscs


    Hey @shaunkuschel,
    Thanks for your quick reply!
    Yes, I have supressed “country” and “state” fields from cart page. I also tryed to supress city field but I wasn`t able to do it.
    In product page, I have the option to include shipment calculation and it requires only the zip code to work, and works very well.
    My first attempt was, in cart page, to autocomplete “country”, “state” and “city” after user fills the zip code, but the plugin I found does it only in chekout page. Then I realized that in cart, the shipment calculation was working (was working) even if I left all the field empty. So I decided to hide them.
    After your findings, I’m wondering how the calculation on product page calculation works and if it is possible to use the same approach on cart page, since it requires the user to inform only the zip code.
    I’m not sure if you or somenon else in this forum can help me to identifiy how the shipment calculation on product page is working and replicates it to cart.
    At least in Brazil, all we need is the zip code to calculate the shipment, so it does not make sense to request all data (country, state, city) in cart and bother the use to fill in unecessary information.

    Thread Starter kosoniscs


    Hi Haithh93! Thanks for your reply.
    I did it, but it didn’t work.
    As the original text I first tried “see more” and some variations of capital letter (I don’t know if it is case sensitive or not). I supposed that the original text is in English. I also tried “read more” but it didn`t work as well.
    Then, I tried to replace the text that is currently showing in button (in portuguese) “Leia mais” to “Adicionar” (Add to cart), but it still didn’t work.
    Is there a way to I can see the original text before translation? Or, is there another way to replace this button text?

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