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  • An average WordPress Blogger shouldn’t need to tweak template files . For example , would you like to change the look-and-feel (layout, color-schema) –> just install a new Theme .
    Would you add a new functionality –> just install and enable a new plugin .
    Themes and plugins are installed via your browser (just login you administration panel) .
    Many factors affect your SEO , incoming links , is one of them . My opinion is that the link-factor has the lowest impact on SEO . As I aforementioned quality of content and Standard Compliant rules are the most important factors .
    Another factor (also important) is the url-shema , WordPress has the permalink factor to make your links SEO friendly .
    Most likely WordPress has a totally different url-shema as the Blogger framework , so search engines will lose your tracks if you move to a WordPress Blog .
    For example my latest WordPress article has the following url-schema :
    If I move my article to a Blogger framework then of-course the article will be represented by a totally different url-schema (only my domain name will remain unchanged ) and search engines will lose my tracks .

    WordPress as all CMS platforms , are made for non-tech users . After the initial installation , an administration panel which is accessible via a browser , can handle all publishing functionality . No knowledge of PHP , Mysql is required for maintaining/updating a WordPress installation as backups can be done through phpMyadmin (a browser-based Mysql administration tool ) and all administration tasks can be done via a FTP-client or your hosts administration panel (cPanel). If you like to tweak your WordPress-Blog , by modifying template files or developing custom functionality , then of-course PHP/Mysql and a deeper understanding of the WordPress platform is required . The WordPress community has developed thousands of plugins that work out-of-the-box (just install and enable) , so an average Blogger should have ready-made functionality without the need to touch a single line of code .
    There are excellent books available to give you a good starting point .
    Codex is also a valuable reference library for newcomers or experienced WordPress developers .

    Are there any relationship with the blog/website SEO

    If you mean search engine page-rank , my opinion is that you have to start from the beginning (your old page-rank will get lost). SEO has nothing to do with hosting service/company . Factors that might affect SEO are : quality of content and if your site follows Standard Compliant rules .

    Should i use Dedicated IP for my new blog?

    This isn’t a requirement .

    How do i protect WordPress blog against malware .

    Hardening WordPress is a must read article .

    Do I have to use FTP client like FileZilla

    Uploading template or large media files can only be done via a FTP client or your host’s administration panel (cPanel) .

    This is a common PHP error message used to indicate that a PHP function or feature has been deprecated .

    Not sure what version he’s running

    There is a file in your blog directory wp-includes/version.php , just login via FTP on your host’s administration panel and open this file .
    Read this article to get a starting point and post any question on this thread .
    First backup your data (posts , articles )

    You’ll need to sign up at with the email address that you’ve associated in your blog with your admin user account, and upload your image to After you’ve done that your image will appear whenever you post on your own blog or on other WordPress blogs (if you put that email address into the mail field of the comment form at that other blog).
    To relate your favicon with your Gravatar have a look at this plugin .
    Note : Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile -> Contact Info ->[email protected] is the location that relates your image location .

    Djanice’s website couldn’t be a blog because he/she mentioned Godaddy and Updating (which isn’t an option on blogs.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Widget Issue

    Try to re-install the theme and if the problem still exists , contact with the developer of the theme .

    Imagine Windows-explorer (on a PC ) , witch helps you to navigate/explore/edit the directory structure of your computer’s hard-disc . FTP is a graphical utility that connects to your server (remotely) for administrating your website . FTP is my preferred method for website administration , alternatively you can do the same tasks through your webhost administration panel (probably Cpanel) .

    Go to Admin-pannel -> Settings -> Discussion -> Default Avatar and select an Avatar for your visitors .

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Widget Issue

    Have you tried to switch to the default theme ?

    WordPress Codex is a good starting point , if you need help for a specific topic , this forum is a good place to start .

    Login your WordPress account via FTP and rename :
    1) your plugin folder to plugin-old
    2)your theme folder to themename-old
    This will reset your WordPress to it’s default state .
    If you still get the “the specified user does not exist” error follow these instructions , Through phpMyAdmin , is the simplest method to follow .
    If you need more help let us know .

    This isn’t a simple task as Wamp/Xamp doesn’t have build-in mail-server functionality . You have to install an local mail-server to accomplish this functionality . A possible solution is Free-SMTP-server which I haven’t tested , as my preferred method is to make live server tests .

    My opinion is that the answer is No , with the way WordPress is setup, you cannot disable this feature without a plugin. .
    This plugin comes well recommended and does everything the default wp_new_user_notification function in the WordPress core does, without sending an email to the site administrator.

    The WordPress community has build plugins for this .

    If you need to upload large files into WordPress a good practice would be to use an FTP client like Filezilla .
    Keep in mind though that media files (like video) could impact the performance of your server , especially if you are on a shared hosting environment . Of course all depends on the traffic of your site (how often these files are requested). A good cheap solution would be to upload your videos on Youtube or vimeo and embed these video’s into your WordPress-articles . A more professional method is to use an external CDN network , usually these networks charge you by GB-size download . CDN-tools could help you to implement the second option .
    This is just my one-cent opinion .

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