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  • Thread Starter kostuj



    Thank you for your comments. I have had a bit of success in the past creating a CSS class for images, and then having the same specified border values placed around all of the images assigned to that class.

    And I have attempted that for this, but for whatever reason(s) I could not get it to work when trying to align captions associated with the images within the image class I created. I tried at least a dozen different syntaxes with no luck, and maybe I still have something wrong in one or more places. I am please still open for any further suggestions regarding this effort.

    Along the way, however, I did learn about starting a CSS code entry with a hashtag rather than period (which I never knew previously), allowing me to target just one specific caption id at a time. And upon learning that, I could then rather easily alter the caption alignment of individual image captions on a page where deemed better.

    Perhaps this is still not the most efficient manner of proceeding (depending on how many times I might ultimately need to do it). But it certainly provides a usable alternative to having to alter all of the caption alignments in the same manner throughout the entire page, which is all I knew and could do before.

    Thanks again for your thoughts. I appreciate it.

    Thread Starter kostuj



    Worked perfectly. Thank you very much for your help. I sincerely appreciate it.


    Thread Starter kostuj


    Yes, I saw some of that. My computer would not even fully load all of the changes before getting stuck, so it would not seem prudent to try that in this case. It will be a slightly new experience, but I will follow your advice. Just about all of my previously edited files are in the default theme folder, so I just hope for now that those do not need to be replaced and re-edited. Thanks again for everybody’s comments.

    Thread Starter kostuj


    Thank you both very much.

    Thread Starter kostuj


    Thank you MichaelH so much for the reply. It is greatly appreciated.

    Thread Starter kostuj


    I have at least found the answer to getting my AddThis widgets to validate when installing them directly to my sidebar, so this is no longer an issue. I still thank you for all your help in the past and for that in the future, which I know I will eventually need again.

    Thread Starter kostuj


    Thank you for your reply. I am not sure if what you suggested was true, because I was playing around with all the buttons (though I did not specifically save what you suggested) or if something was possibly going on with my server, but it seems I have gotten everything back a short time ago. Thank you again.

    One reason I went ahead with the 2.22 upgrade is because of the failure in 2.21 to be able to put a mailto link in the blogroll to contact the author. Same thing with 2.22, as an https:// is always added and the @ is always taken away. Is my only option to reinstall the patch I had to in 2.21? If so, would you please point me to that patch, as I cannot seem to find it at this time. Thank you very much again.

    Thread Starter kostuj


    There is no error code. In the older version I was able to use a link address to contact the author of “mailto:[email protected]” and it worked well. In version 2.2.1 however, when hitting the save button, the “@” sign does not take and the link no longer works. If there is a way to add an e-mail contact link in the sidebar in what is now the “blogroll” section, I have not been able to figure it out yet. Any help would be appreciated, and thank you very much for your time.

    Thread Starter kostuj



    I appreciate your reply and I will also look for a response to your post on

    In addition to not getting the proper banner reading on the sticky post as configured in the adhesive plug-in, I later also discovered that when this sticky post (my first) went out over RSS2 format, the two feedreader services I checked both had many additional characters/words located at the front of the post ( Is this an additional problem or is something like that to be expected when a sticky post is published? Thank you again.

    Thread Starter kostuj



    I recall you answering a question for me about six months ago. You were extremely helpful then and were so again today. Just want to say thanks.

    Thread Starter kostuj


    Thank you.

    Thread Starter kostuj


    Thank you sincerely for your advice about not cutting and pasting from Word into WordPress and that this can cause problems, though I cannot say I understood your explanation of the editor type and the resultant bad code.

    As I am not too fond of constantly logging into and out of WordPress while forming my posts, what other editor(s)/program(s) will work better or best for consistent cutting and pasting between it/them and WordPress? Would WordPad do the job more accurately? NotePad even better? Any others?

    Also, how do I determine the font style/size that WordPress uses by default (default theme) when typing posts directly into that program, so I can keep the other editing program(s) consistent? I am not able to figure out those parameters. Thank you again so very much.

    Thread Starter kostuj



    As it turned out, my remaining validation errors were indeed a result of my own code changes and a lack of understanding in how to apply the language. With your help I was able to track them down and fix them. I thank you.

    My more simple question about syndication settings remains however, and I still cannot locate the answer that is probably right in front of my nose. When using a break within my posts to keep only a portion on the front page and my syndication option is set to show the full post, what will the RSS feed display? I do not want the whole post syndicated, yet it seems like overkill to have to check the summary box and write a separate optional excerpt for each post. Any comments would be very much appreciated. As always, thank you sincerely.

    Thread Starter kostuj



    I appreciate your reply, but I continued to experience the same problems today, although certain feedreaders seemed to pick it up. Most feedreaders I downloaded and tried to subscribe to my feed with indicated there was no feed found at the URL address, and directly clicking on the RSS button on my blog received an “application not found” reply.

    In working on it however, I noted that using the code as written in your help documentation for placing the RSS button/feed in the sidebar results in a literal feed URL that has “feed:” in front of the standard “http:” start for the address. Just on a whim I removed the starting “feed:” (surprised I was able to do that), and then I was able to find the feed through these feedreaders and also make a connection by clicking the RSS button on the blog.

    I guess my questions now are would this change only improve connections to those free feedreaders I downloaded, and would putting that beginning “feed:” back into the URL address still result in better overall connections/performance based on everything that is out there right now as a whole? Thanks again for your time.

    Thread Starter kostuj



    You spent way, way too much time with me, and I am truly grateful. You are a terrific teacher. I am sorry to say that about all I know is golf, but please feel free to contact me through if you think I can help you with anything. Thanks again, and my very best to you.


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