Hi, i don’t know if this will help, but… :
in the file “wp-ad-gallery.php” , you can find the css line :
.ad-gallery .ad-nav .ad-thumbs {overflow:hidden; width:100%;}
->> add “display:none;”
same for .ad-gallery .ad-back {(…)} to hide the back-arrow image.
Then, if you just want to change the thumbnail size, it is in the file “shortcode.php” , this line : $image_src = "<a href='$img_src[0]'><img src='$img_src[0]' title='$img_title' alt='$img_alt' height='60' class='image'>";
->> change 60 AND in the previous file, change css height : .ad-gallery .ad-thumbs .ad-thumb-list {float:left; width:9000px; height:***px; list-style:none; }
I love this plugin too. Hope you will manage !
xx cheers.