Kreg Wallace
Forum Replies Created
Yes, you’ll need to upgrade to the latest version to customize the signature list fields.
The name fields are required and there’s no easy way to turn that off.
Yes… at the bottom of the plugin’s settings page you can check the boxes next to the fields you want to display in the signature list.
Thanks for finding a bug I overlooked. I just posted a new update to the plugin (version 1.6.2). Hopefully upgrading to the new version will fix the problem for you.
Yes, the character limit is 300.
To change this, you’ll need to use PHPMyAdmin to edit the data type of the ‘petition_email’ field in your *dk_speakup_petitions database table. It’s set to varchar(300) by default. Change that number to whatever you want.
Then you’ll need to open up /includes/admin-edit-view.php. Look at line 154, where a maxlength for this input field has been set to 300. Match this number with the new length of the field in the database, or simply remove the maxlength attribute entirely.
When some of these online mail hosts reject mail they don’t just place it in the spam folder, they fail to acknowledge receipt at all. I wrote a FAQ about this. It’s the third one on the list here: should try installing the WP Mail SMTP plugin.
If you have the “Confirm signatures” option turned on then the petition message will be sent to the Target Email address only after the signature has been confirmed.
If you do not have “Confirm signatures” turned on, then the petition message will be sent to the Target Email immediately after the signature is submitted.
It sounds like your website is one of the free blog sites hosted by If so, you can’t install plugins and would be unable to use the SpeakUp! Email Petitions plugin/widget. You will need to have a self-hosted WordPress site in order to use plugins.
If you are seeing the Dashboard, then you are have already logged in to the admin panel. We’re just using different terminology (logging onto the Dashboard = logging onto the Admin Panel).
From the Dashboard, find the “Plugins” menu link in the sidebar. Clicking this will take you to the Plugins page where you can follow my instructions above.
The easiest way to install the plugin is to log in to your site’s WordPress admin panel and go to the “Plugins” page. Then click the “Add New” link at the top of that page.
You will see a text field with a button labelled “Search Plugins”. Now type speakup into the field and click the button. A listing for the petition plugin should now display with a link labelled “Install Now”. Go ahead and click that link, and then on the resulting page, click the “Activate Plugin” link.
Now you will be able to create petitions using the “Add New” link found under the “Email Petitions” menu in the sidebar. Once, you’ve created a petition, you will be able to add it to your site as a widget from the Widget screen.
A couple of people have had problems with the first petition they create after install not getting saved to the database. This always seems to clear up with the second attempt though. So, I doubt that the Twitter thing had something to do with it. I haven’t ever been able to duplicate this, so it’s kind of hard to troubleshoot. If you can give some more info about the version of WordPress, PHP and MySQL you are using, that might help.
The cryptic message in your screenshot is the strange error message that WordPress displays when a nonce doesn’t match up. Basically, WP thinks that you are submitting the form from a website other than your own WP admin. It’s a security feature and I’m not sure why it’s being triggered here.
The “0” is an indication that the petition wasn’t saved to the database. This number reflects the unique id of the petition that was just added to the DB. Since it’s O, nothing was created.
Do you have an error log or anything else that might show what went wrong when you submitted the form?
You probably have set the petitions table to display 0 rows.
To fix, go to the Settings (Einstellungen) page and change the value of the “Petitions table shows” (Petitionen Tabelle zeigt) field to a number greater than 0 rows (Zeilen). The default setting for this field is 20.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] SpeakUp! Email Petitions plugin partially worksIt might be that the petition you created didn’t get saved. You can check by clicking the Email Petitions link in the admin sidebar and seeing if the petition is listed on that screen.
The steps for adding a petition in a widget are…
[1] Create your petition on the Add New screen and click the Create Petition button to save it.
[2] Go to the Widgets admin screen and drag the SpeakUp! widget to your sidebar. Now make sure you select the title of your petition from the “Petition:” drop-down list. Then add a title and Call-to-Action.
That should do it.
I haven’t been able to duplicate the problem you’re having, so I’m not exactly sure what is going on. I can’t seem to sign your petition, but others are obviously signing it because your signature count is over 200. My best guess is that one of your other plugins is interfering somehow, but I really don’t know for sure. If I come up with a better answer, I’ll post it here.
If that’s not working I’m really not sure what to tell you. I don’t have a reliable internet connection to do testing at the moment, but I’ll look into this when I can and get back to you if I figure something out.
I tried signing the petition and saw the problem in action… It appears that the form is submitting correctly via AJAX, but no response is being sent back. I can’t tell what’s causing this, but you might look on the plugin’s Settings page and see what you have in the “Success Message” (Message de succès) field. This field controls what displays when the form is submitted. If you’ve heavily customized this field, you might try simplifying the content in that field and seeing if it starts working again.
If this works for you let me know so I can take a closer look at the kinds of values that that field accepts.