Kreg Wallace
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] [Plugin: SpeakUp! Email Petitions] New petitionHave you tried updating your WordPress installation? I believe any version that is 3.1 or greater should work. The curent version of WordPress is 3.5.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Few questions, feedback, & feature requestsHi, Thanks for the donation! I’ll see if I can answer some of these questions…
0 – Might possibly add a per petition customizable success message in the future, but it’s not a top priority now.
0B – You can move the response div down to just above the buttons if you like. It’s currently in includes/emailpetition.php at line 68:
<div class="dk-speakup-response"></div>
1 – I’m not planning to add this, but if you know how to pop up a window, you can include the signaturelist shortcode in the page that appears there
2 – You can select which columns display in the sgnaturelist on the plugin’s settings page. Look under the Signature List tab at the Columns setting. I believe custom field is not displayed by default.
3 – you can display the signatures count for a petition wherever you like using the signaturecount shortcode. More info at the bottom of this page.
[signaturecount id="3"]
4 – the petition text is always present on the page and is readable by search engines. Whether it displays by default or only when you click the popup link is purely a matter of the theme you use. Try switching to the “basic” theme to see it shown by default
5 – Confirmations are not there to protect against robot spam. They are there to keep humans from manually signing the petition with false information. They also provide a means of complying with double-opt-in laws for adding a signee to a mailing list. You shouldn’t be getting robot spam with this plugin regardless of whether you use confirmations
6 – I’m not planning to add this at the moment, but you should be able to add it yourself to the appropriate place in the form in emailpetition.php usisng
7 – The plugin is entirely ignorant of which post or pages you’ve placed the petition form on. This is the nature of shortcodes and widgets… they could be on any page or they could be on all pages. THere’s no way of automatically guessing what the proper return URL would be.
8 – people have asked for this a lot, but I don’t think I’ll add it. Having a manual confirm defeats the whole purpose of confirmations. If you don’t want to require people to click the link in their email, then don’t turn on the confirmations option. Again, confirmations is not there to protect against robot spam.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] OMG – HELP!Hi,
I don’t think deleting that 0 would cause the CSV not to download. It may be that another plugin is intercepting the URL that’s used to download the CSV. You might try deactivating any other plugins on your site and try downloading the CSV again. Then you can reactivate the other plugins once that’s done.
If that still isn’t working, you can use PHPMyAdmin (installed by default on most web hosts) to download a CSV of the
table in your database.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] let public counter display allThe answer is posted here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Html Showing Up Email Text Pop UpOk, thanks.
Your theme is probably forcing the use of wpautop() on the content area of your posts in some way. wpautop() is the function WordPress uses to convert the line breaks in your posts to
tags.My suggestion is to try switching your site to another theme for a quick test. You can switch to one of the default themes that WordPress includes, like “Twenty Twelve”. Once you’ve switched themes, reload your petition page and see if the
tags problem in the petition has gone away.If it does go away, then the theme you were using is at fault. You can decide if its worth changing to another theme permanently or if you would prefer to just turn off the “Allow custom messages” option for your petitions. Petitions without that option turned on shouldn’t have the visible
tags problem even if your theme is doing something strange with wpautop().Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] SpeakUp cycling/freezingI just tested the petition on your site and it seems to be working fine (using Chrome browser on a Mac). The petition is submitted using AJAX, which means that the page doesn’t reload after the submit button is clicked. Maybe a page reload is what your users were expecting? Instead, when the petition is submitted, the form fields fade out and a confirmation message appears above the form.
Also, you have a script (likes-rest.js) that has errors in it. This is probably connected to the “share this” and “like this” buttons at the bottom of your page. It’s possible those errors are causing issues on other browsers. You might want to disable that sharing buttons plugin and see if things clear up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Help! Plugin Not WorkingOn second thought, it may be a problem with your theme. You probably just left out the
<?php wp_head(); ?>
and<?php wp_footer(); ?>
directives in your theme.Make sure that
<?php wp_head(); ?>
is included just before the closing</head>
tag in your theme and that<?php wp_footer(); ?>
is included just before the closing</body>
tag.wp_head() and wp_footer() are required for allowing plugins to attach JavaScript to the pages on your site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Help! Plugin Not WorkingThe reason the buttons don’t work is that the JavaScript file for the plugin isn’t being loaded on your page. I’m not sure what would cause this. Did you do any editing of the internal files in the plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Signature count doesn't work in IE or ChromeHmmm, you’re using one of the site cacheing plugins? Those things prevent dynamic data (like updated signature counts) from displaying their current state by design.
Generally though, they do allow dynamic pages (rather than pages from the cache) to display to logged-in administrators, — giving a false impression of how your site visitors actually see your site. I’m guessing that you are logged in to your site on the Firefox browser, but that on IE and Chrome you haven’t actually logged in.
If that’s the case and you prefer to display live (rather than cached) data to your users, you should probably remove the cacheing plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] mobile display issuesThanks for letting me know. I’ll look into it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Petition does not work in sidebarYou don’t need the shortcode to display the widget… and you don’t need to use the text widget. Instead use the SpeakUp! Email Petitions widget provided…
Go to Appearance / Widgets and drag the little box labelled “SpeakUp! Email Petitions” from the list of Available widgets over to your sidebar and complete the form that appears.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Html Showing Up Email Text Pop UpI just checked out your link and it looks like your page has been taken down (all I see is “Tanker Free BC Dot CA Coming Soon”).
I can’t tell what problem you are experiencing based on the explanation provided. Can you try explaining it again?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] Signature List – Display All SignaturesThe reason for using the Confirm Signatures option is to provide some assurance that the person signing the petition is who they say they are. It is not there to protect against robotic spam, but to protect against people misrepresenting themselves. If that sort of filter is not something you want, you should probably not turn that option on.
That said, if you want unconfirmed signatures to show in the public list, comment out line 150 in class.signature.php so that it looks like this:
// $sql_context_filter = "AND ( $db_signatures.is_confirmed = '' OR $db_signatures.is_confirmed = '1' )";
Signed petition emails from unconfirmed users still will not be sent out, but your public signature list and numbers will be incremented.
I haven’t actually tried this, so it’s untested but to BCC yourself on the emails you would just need to add the BCC info to the email headers. In class.mail.php the headers for the confirmation email are set on line 38. To add a BCC header, you would add a new line there so that this:
$headers = "From: " . $options['confirm_email'] . "\r\n";
is changed to this:
$headers = "From: " . $options['confirm_email'] . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Bcc: [email protected]' . "\r\n";
of course you’ll need to change [email protected] to your own email address. If you want to CC instead of BCC, then just replace the
in the code above withCc
.A similar operation to line 75 would get you BCC’d on the petition message emails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpeakUp! Email Petitions] "sign now" button not workingWhen you say the form is not working, what do you mean? In what way is it not functioning correctly?