Forum Replies Created
It’ll help, just not quite the solution I wanted.
Any idea why I don’t see the drop-down though? This is a screen capture of what I see on my Manage Subscriptions page:
Yes, I can do it there. And I do seem to be correctly getting the daily digest. I want to offer this up to my subscribers as a daily digest, so if I can’t set it as a default, then I guess giving them that link is an almost adequate fall-back.
So, something that’s weird is that I subscribed to my own list so I could test the emails, and when I go to “Manage Options”, there isn’t a drop-down to change it to Daily or Weekly like there is for other sites I subscribe to. Is that something specific to my site? or is it somehow because I’m an admin?
Thank you, that was exactly what I needed! I thought the checkbox was going to be defined in one array with all the checkbox labels as inputs, so it was really useful to see how I totally misunderstood, and how the code was supposed to look.
I am having trouble figuring out the syntax for a set of checkboxes. I want to add a registration field in which the user can indicate which of several interests they have. I am running a community theater site, and we want registrants to indicate interests in things like auditions, backstage crew, publicity, stage management, etc. Say it was just those four things — What would the code look like?
I am having trouble figuring out the syntax for a set of checkboxes. I want to add a registration field in which the user can indicate which of several interests they have. I am running a community theater site, and we want registrants to indicate interests in things like auditions, backstage crew, publicity, stage management, etc. Say it was just those four things — What would the code look like?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] FrontEnd Submission user rolesHi Ben,
I have a user (an Author( who just submitted an event, and it ended up “Pending” not “Approved”. Is there some setting I need to adjust?
KimForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] FrontEnd Submission user rolesSorry, figured it out – I see there’s a user role Event Contributor.
Thank you @contemplate and @calvin!! Back up and running with!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Edits to imported events get erased…I have this issue as well. I actually do have two separate feeds that I import, one goes into one category, and the other is a catch-all for all other categories. But even the one that is targeted for a specific category, I’d like to be able to check multiple categories (where the extra beyond the main one differs for each event). These get overwritten with every import, so I don’t bother.
The edits I make to the other feed’s categories do stick, since I’m not importing to a specific category.
That would make sense – it’s about the right timing, and I wasn’t having trouble with 2.3.7 originally.
OK, that wasn’t true. It was an odd moment of things working. Ignore that last moment of euphoria. I’m back to deactivating entirely.
Hmmm, interesting. I had Extended Views installed – once I deactivated that, things got much better.
I jumped the gun saying all was fine with 2.7.3. I am still seeing the slow behavior with it as well. As I did a few weeks back when the plugin failed on the google import, looks like I will have to punt and go back to just embedding the google calendar.
I went back to 2.3.7, and I’m good for now.