Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible Subscriptions] Blank page when saving settingsHi,
thank you for contacting me.
It turns out that it is a plugin error.
The task was created for the developer.
I will let you contact me when a fix comes out that will fix this bug, okay?Greetings,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible Subscriptions] Subscription variationsHi,
thank you very much for your contact.I was able to reproduce this error and indeed it should not appear.
I have added you to the customer list and when a fix comes out that will fix it, then I will let you contact me, okay?Regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible Subscriptions] Blank page when saving settingsHi,
thank you very much for your contact.
Do you have the possibility to send me the status of the system?
I would like to take a peek at the configuration of the environment where the problem occurs.Greetings,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible PDF Invoices for WooCommerce & WordPress] B??d pobierania fakturyDzień dobry,
Czy w statusie wyst?puj? jakiekolwiek logi?
Po konsultacji z deweloperem okazuje si?, ?e problem wyst?puje z samym plikiem PDF, a nie z wtyczk? i tutaj nale?a?oby szuka? przyczyny.
Mog? równie? poprosi? o dane do logowania do sklepu, ale niestety z oczywistych przyczyn nie mog? tego zrobi? na forum.
Mo?na skontaktowa? si? z nami poprzez :
Z racji tego, ?e jest to darmowa wersja wtyczki w formularzu, nale?y wybra? np. pytanie przedsprzada?owe.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible PDF Invoices for WooCommerce & WordPress] B??d pobierania fakturyDzień dobry,
dzi?kuj? za kontakt.
Czy problem pojawia? si? od samego pocz?tku, czy wyst?pi? dopiero po czasie?
Mo?na spróbowa? wyczy?ci? cache i sprawdzi?, czy problem b?dzie wyst?powa? nadal.
Nast?pnie bardzo prosz? o dodanie do wp-config.php :
define( 'FLEXIBLE_INVOICES_DEBUG', true );
Nast?pnie prosz? jeszcze raz spróbowa? pobra? faktur? i podes?a? ewentualnie otrzymany log.
On the form, please select the presale option.
Then you do not need to be logged in.I would be very grateful if you send it, because I can not ask all the necessary data on the forum, and the problem seems to be quite specific.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.Regards,
Dzień dobry Panie Patryku,
przepraszam za d?u?szy czas odpowiedzi :).
Je?eli jest taka mo?liwo??, prosz? sprawdzi?, czy wszystkie adresy powrotów s? zgodne z nasz? dokumentacj? :
Adresy powrotów powinny wygl?da? tak :
- Adres na który jest wysy?any ITN:
Format: Adres twojej strony + końcówka /?wc-api=wc-gateway-wppay&type=return&type=itn
Przyk?ad: - Adres na który jest wysy?any ISTN (ITN transakcji wychodz?cej):
Format: Adres twojej strony + końcówka /?wc-api=wc-gateway-wppay&type=return&type=istn
B?d? wdzi?czny za informacj?, czy po zmianach uda?o si? rozwi?za? problem. ??
Good morning,
I have not received a response for a long time, so let me close the thread.If you have questions in the future please contact me again :).
Good morning,
Thank you for contacting me.Is it possible for you to contact us through the contact form on the website?
Then I will be able to help you faster and verify where the problem may lie.Unfortunately, I don’t see a message from you, so the best solution would be the contact form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible PDF Coupons - Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce] wpml supportHi, I’m glad you were able to solve this problem.
We will be implementing full compatibility, but from the information I’ve received, more likely next year already.
Regards,Hi, thank you for the information. Would it be possible for you to send us the status of the system? I would like to ask our developer for help. If there is a possibility, you can also check if the problem still occurs after disabling the rest of the plugins – except WooCommerce and FQ. Regards,
I haven’t heard from you in a while, so I’m marking this thread as resolved. Please don’t hesitate to open a new one if you encounter other issues while using our plugin.
Have a fantastic day,
Hi, thank you very much for contacting me.
Are there different values for each product when it comes to the calculator?
If not, then you can use a template and then select the products or also the categories for which you want to apply the template.
Perhaps this will be a good solution for you?Greetings,
thank you very much for your contact.
We have not yet noted any problems with this theme among our customers and this may be the first such problem.If you use a default theme such as Storefront, does the problem also occur on your store?
Greetings,Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flexible PDF Coupons - Gift Cards & Vouchers for WooCommerce] wpml supportHi,
thank you very much for your contact.
I apologize for the longer response time.Have you tried setting the site language as German?
The translations then should automatically include that language as well.I understand that you are only using our free version of the plugin?
- Adres na który jest wysy?any ITN: