Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the feedback!
I was searching in that directino too, but the text on the right (#site-generator) has the same styling and does not have the problem…
Also, to ‘override’ that, I’ve been looking in the twentyeleven style.css where the formatting of hyperlinks is defined, I’ve also tried to use chrome dev tools to find more info on where the styling came from – to no avail so far. Any other ideas?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal Error and site has goneme too! excellent ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal Error and site has goneYou’re welcome. Hope it helps!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal Error and site has goneDid you do a web search for your error message?
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13837324/wordpress-3-5-cannot-redeclare-wp-explain-nonceForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sidebar Form] I'd like to drop a couple of fieldsCan you please share how? I’ve been trying to get rid of the subject field, without much luck so far… Would so appreciate it!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Get font to show up on siteHave a look at this
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twentyeleven Child: How to remove last pipe character from nav menusomehow this solution doesn’t work anymore for another project… I’ve been trying to understand your code but it’s not clear to me where you get the 17 from and how it defines what it does (hope that makes sense)
so troubleshooting is not a success so farhttps://www.sparklynx.be/preview/bric_consult/
any pointers would be greatly appreciated
I also wonder if it makes more sense that I start learning to make a theme from scratch rather than working with child themes every time.. twentyeleven feels very complicated and elaborate
when you do a quick edit rather than an edit of a page or post, one of the options is ‘comments allowed’ and you can tick or untick right there
Gosh thanks, that is a much better solution. This community is so great. Gratitude!
Yess.. that worked. Thank you. I’ve been looking for the right CSS beginners course, but what I’ve found so far doesn’t really explain the basic concepts enough for me to really grasp it. I’ll keep looking though. And thank you all for your support in the meantime! Much appreciated.
Thank you for that. Yes, I’m finding it difficult to figure out what the right code is to play with. Like, I don’t understand what the ‘margin-right:16px;’ is doing in the code above. To me, it looks like it’s not doing anything. I will look into the CSS specific forums for more info and post my solution here before closing.
Oh thank you so much! That worked wonderfully!
I wanted to align the text from the right, but the
text align: right;
didn’t work, so I added:#site-title, #site-description, site-title a {display:inline-block; clear:none; margin:0; padding:0; float: right;}
The new issue that arises is that the site title and description are now ‘glued’ together. I’ve been researching how to get a space between the words but haven’t found it so far. Any ideas?
hm.. when I add your code, it works BUT:
font color and size for the site title are defined through#site-title a{}
and when I add that, it messes it up again…my current code:
#site-title, #site-description, #site-title a { display:inline-block; clear:none;font-family: Rockwell Extra Bold;} #site-description{font-size: 50px; color: #5f82ab; margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0 0 0; } #site-title a { color: #5f82ab; font-size: 70px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-top: 0;}
ok was confused for a moment, trying that now. thanks for both your replies!