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  • Well, how can I do the same thing but for specific posts, or for specific category of post ?
    I want actually to remove those information on the slider posts..


    Thread Starter kudo93


    thanks !!!!

    Thread Starter kudo93


    I tried to use a if else statement to solve the problem but I’m super newbie in php coding..
    Here what I wrote/modified:

    			$counter = 1;
    			foreach($author_tabs as $author_tab){
    				$current_tab 	= strtolower('author-'.$author_tab);
    				$current_class	= $counter == 1? 'author-current':''; ?>
    			if ($counter == "1") {
    				<div id="tab-<?php echo $counter; ?>" class="<?php epl_author_class ($current_tab .' author-tab-content '.$current_class) ?>">
    				<?php apply_filters('epl_author_tab_'.$author_tab.'_callback',call_user_func('epl_author_tab_about'))  ?>
    			} else {
    				<div id="tab-<?php echo $counter; ?>" class="<?php epl_author_class ($current_tab .' author-tab-content '.$current_class) ?>">
    				<?php apply_filters('epl_author_tab_'.$author_tab.'_callback',call_user_func('epl_author_tab_'.str_replace(' ','_',$author_tab)))  ?>
    				$counter ++;

    Before it I tried with this if statement:if ($author_tab == "A_propos") etc..

    Idea why it’s not working ?



    You need to:
    1)Add new posts with some content (for info on image) and with featured image(required !!!).
    2)Enter the ID’s of them into the Featured Slider settings (Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider)
    3)Save and it’s Done!

    Thread Starter kudo93


    yes, it was activated before. but no it didn’t work.



    I already try transposh, it working because the translation is manually but you must have the same content for each language, what I have but also haven’t..
    Also there is a problem with translation of error message in contact form 7 for example.. the default language will appear even if you change the language. Also button can’t be translate sometimes.

    I change to yiddish in the site you tell me and it was a mess in certain pages..

    Thread Starter kudo93


    When I’m switching between the languages (french, english and hebrew in my case) with polylang, the plugin EPL doesn’t change his language.
    And it seem to didn’t support the ability to do so with my word press version….
    I found a gross solution to the problem – create three different website for each language, I think that is the best solution yet because the EPL plugin doesn’t handle what I want.(And there is no other real estate plugin that work too)
    I read and post in the EPL plugin support and someone said that maybe it’s because EPL doesn’t load the .mo files correctly.. and the developer of EPL said that it might be because of the version of word press – from 4.0 and further there is issues of translation..

    If there is an another solution, I’ll be happy to hear..



    No, it’s a paid version and right now I don’t want to pay for something that might didn’t work…
    I tried several other language switcher plugins, none of them worked… so I’ll install three wordpress website for each language, it’s a gross idea and I will need to work 3 times more but it will work I think.

    Also, one of EPL and other real estate plugin (I tried a lot) problem is that in the setting there is one page that can be attributed to see the list of the property, etc.. and when we have multilanguage, it’s bad because we want to create different pages for different language that will redirect to the property list but there is no such option..

    I’ll continue to translate EPL to Hebrew after all these will be done..

    If downgrading can be a solution then maybe I’ll try it too. if you think too.

    Thank you for your effort and for further fixes ;),

    Thread Starter kudo93


    Thank you for your quick response!
    It help a little bit, before I can’t see my property page list and now I’m able to !! ?? (Didn’t know why but it seem to help somehow)

    I forgot to mention that I have a multisite wordpress configuration.

    So I do like you said: go in Users > Your profile > Admin language: select “WordPress default” and saves.(it wasn’t configure like you tell me to so it might be the reason of the above)
    And I choose a default language in the general settings like you said..(French in my case)

    But still the same problem.. only if I change the language in the general settings (the second step you said me to do), it change the language of the EPL plugin default language ??

    Any other idea ?



    My default language is French, if it’s help. (In the admin network and in the website)



    I’m using wordpress 4.1.1.
    I have a website with multisite enable and the plugin: Polylang , to switch from french to english and to hebrew.
    I want my property list in three languages..

    When I change the language with the polylang plugin, there is no change.But when I choose the language in the wordpress general settings it’s work.(also all the wordpress panel change to the language I choosed)

    I’m also translating your plugin to hebrew and it seem to work fine but just when I choose the language in the general setting of wordpress, I can see the changes.

    If there is a different language plugin that work with EPL better, tell me.

    I think that’s the same problem MarionWante have.
    So what is the solution ??

    Thread Starter kudo93


    I’m using currently this plugin: Polylang.

    Thank you!

    For me I got this message:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home3/invest01/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wprealestate/functions.php on line 225

    What to do ?

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