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  • Thread Starter kurowski


    I see you added the options….very very nice!!

    Thread Starter kurowski


    Ahah….I just saw in your e2i.php file that you had the line of code:
    $color = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
    which makes sense on your own site (white text, black background)!!

    So I changed it to give me black text:
    $color = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
    and it works perfectly.

    Thanks for your working on this!


    Thread Starter kurowski


    Thanks Milan!

    Except one thing. For me (example: the images are there, but the letter color is WHITE instead of black, so nobody can see the images (because my page background is white). Is that something you can fix on your end? Or is that a php/mysql thing I need to change?

    Thanks again!

    I’ve commented on this here (worldblogger, you can grab the code):

    Given the broken sidebar code in the download, I’m not sure how it’s working for you ClaytonJames.

    The author uses non-standard code in the sidebar to get the separate-widget look (the gray background of each built-in widget), and after being fixed, each (sub) sidebar will have its own gray background.

    I moved my (sub) sidebar 1 to the top of the sidebar so that I could put a text widget at the top (


    Well, I poked around. In the functions file, I had to change the default h2 to h3. Then in the sidebar file, I moved some of the code around to fix it, and then I used “sidebar 1” to wrap the blogroll and “sidebar 2” to wrap nothing but the widgets will sit between sidebar 1 and your Meta. The code is down below. Thanks for the theme!

    <!-- Sidebar Start -->
    			<div id="sidebar">
    				<div class="rightPan">
    				<span class="stc">&nbsp;</span>
    					<h3>Browse by Categories</h3>
    						<?php wp_list_categories('show_count=1&title_li='); ?>
    				<div class="gbc"><span class="sbc">&nbsp;</span></div>
    				<!-- browse by Tag-->
    				<div class="rightPan">
    				<span class="stc">&nbsp;</span>
    					<h3>Browse by Tag</h3>
    					<div class="tags">
    						<?php wp_tag_cloud('smallest=10&largest=17&number=100&orderby=name&order=ASC'); ?>
    				<div class="gbc"><span class="sbc">&nbsp;</span></div>
    				<!-- browse by tag box -->																				
    				<div class="rightPan">
    				<span class="stc">&nbsp;</span>
    				<?php	if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 1') ) : ?>
    					<?php wp_list_bookmarks('categorize=0&title_li='); ?>
    				<?php endif; ?>
    				<div class="gbc"><span class="sbc">&nbsp;</span></div>
    				<div class="rightPan">
    				<span class="stc">&nbsp;</span>
    				<?php	if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('Sidebar 2') ) : ?>
    				<?php endif; ?>
    				<div class="gbc"><span class="sbc">&nbsp;</span></div>
    				<div class="rightPan">
    				<span class="stc">&nbsp;</span>
    	          		<?php wp_register(); ?>
    						<li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
    						<?php wp_meta(); ?>
    				<div class="gbc"><span class="sbc">&nbsp;</span></div>
    			<!-- Sidebar End -->

    Very nice, except I didn’t notice that it’s NOT widget ready, so I wasted a bit of time customizing the css. I don’t know how (and don’t have the time to figure it out) to make your theme widget-ready. My humble suggestion is that in your description of the theme you clearly state it’s not widget-ready.

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