Kurt Payne
Forum Replies Created
Can you e-mail me at kpayne -at- godaddy -dot- com? I’d like to get some more info from you to help troubleshoot this.
Hi sarangan112,
Your screenshot shows 28 active plugins. If you turn off all other plugins, does P3 work for you?
Hi Cecilio,
Can you e-mail me at kpayne -at- godaddy -dot- com? I’d like to get more information about this problem.
Hi sarangan112,
Are you using version 1.1.1?
I tested this with WordPress multisite with the .htaccess method. Did this cause problems for one site, or across the whole network?
The plugin is designed to work in the “install -> activate -> deactivate -> delete” workflow. For sites using mod_php, the plugin attempts to add itself to .htaccess (this is the “php_value …” line). This gives more accurate profiling results because it’s guaranteed to load first.
The .htaccess install/uninstall is automatically handled in the activate / deactivate logic. If you manually remove the plugin files while this .htaccess line is still there, it can cause this error.
I’m looking into a more robust solution. Thanks for reporting this. If you can provide other information that would be helpful, please let me know.
Check your site’s .htaccess file. There should be a section in there like:
# BEGIN p3-profiler
php_value auto_prepend_file "/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/p3-profiler/start-profile.php"
# END p3-profiler
Remove that section.
The solution for bluantinoo was to remove “Options -Indexes” from wp-content/plugins/p3-profiler/.htaccess
Please make sure you’re using version 1.1.1 of the plugin, too. There was a bug in 1.1.0 that caused the UI to break if you’re using another plugin on your site with an apostrophe in the name.
Hi bluantinoo, can you e-mail me at kpayne -at- godaddy.com for further troubleshooting?
bluantinoo, you said you deactivated your plugins, but your screenshot reports “26 active plugins” … can you clarify?
Hi yzgulec,
I think a bug in P3 may be to blame. If any of your other plugins have an apostrophe in the name (e.g. “Someone’s useful plugin”). Can you try the development version and report back?
Hi master412160, thanks for working with me over e-mail. I think I’ve found the problem. Some plugin names contained an apostrophe which blew up the UI. I’ve got a fix in the development version. Can you test this out?
bluantinoo, can you disable other plugins and try again? Also, if you open firebug or a javascript console, do you see any javascript errors?
Interesting … thanks for looking at this.
An inactive plugin shouldn’t print out any css / javascripts.
I’d like to look at this in detail with you. If you’re available for an in depth troubleshooting session (perhaps with a test account, or a screen share, or if we can come up with something else creative), please e-mail me at kpayne -at- godaddy.com to set something up.
Can you try the development version and let me know if that solves the problem?
Thanks, we’ll get this taken care of in the next release.