Okay, here’s my beef.
One, yes it is a tweaked Connections. Yes, I leave attribution. Yes, I am working on a new style.
Two, the Skype buttons ARE annoying and will be removed later on. Right now, I am focusing on making a custom design.
Three, I plan to integrate it with my site (once I get the darn thing done -_-). But I have been working on a GREAT theme.
Fourth, for those of you whom think I am just full of hot air when I say I’ve made a nice design, you can see it at https://www.kyleofalberta.ca/images/layouts/preview2006-04-10.gif . (I think it’s nice. You might not, but please keep your criticisms constructive)
Finally, I am angry at my parents for not taking a little trip through the provinces in the third trimester so I could be born in Canada and thus, attain citizenship much easier. But I’ll forgive them. Probably when I become a citizen.