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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Paypal Payments] Can I see the wordpress user that made the payment?but is there the wordpress user_id associated to them?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] w3 total cache and podpressI think the problem was/is that my feed will always only show 10 of the last feeds. And it will only show the latest 10 feeds in chronological order. The problem I washaving is that my feeds were being added to posts that were sometimes many years old. So although the feed itself was very new, the post wasnt, so thus it wasnt getting added to the RSS latest ten.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [podPress] [Plugin: podPress] WP 3.3 and w3 cacheTrying the following does not change anything.
The feed/podcast/ url only returns 10 feeds? Would this have anything to do with it? The way I am doing this podcast thing is to go back through the years and read some old posts. The podcast date is set ot the date of the original post so even knew ones do not make it to this list since they are old.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [podPress] [Plugin: podPress] WP 3.3 and w3 cacheSo this is the entry I have in the wp_post_meta table for a post that is not getting accepted into the feed even thoguh I would like it to.
a:1:{i:0;a:10:{s:3:”URI”;s:103:”https://www.ourthursday.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Questions_we_need_to_make_socailly_acceptable.mp3″;s:5:”title”;s:45:”Questions we need to make socially acceptable”;s:4:”type”;s:9:”audio_mp3″;s:4:”size”;s:7:”2486647″;s:8:”duration”;s:4:”5:11″;s:12:”previewImage”;s:81:”https://www.ourthursday.com/wp-content/plugins/podpress/images/vpreview_center.png”;s:10:”dimensionW”;s:1:”0″;s:10:”dimensionH”;s:1:”0″;s:3:”rss”;s:2:”on”;s:4:”atom”;s:2:”on”;}}
The first part where it says i:0 is what I was comparing against some of the working ones and I thought it might need to be 1. So I set it to one in the DB. Then I refresh the feed but no luck. So I try to force a regenerate of the feed by updating the post in question. By doing this, the i gets set back to 0.
I presume this meta data is what is queried against to figure out what should go in the feed but not sure. Any thoughts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [podPress] [Plugin: podPress] WP 3.3 and w3 cacheI have turned off all caching and still at a loss.
Could you point me in the direction to figure out what DB settings are required for podpress to think that a post should be included in the feed?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: podPress]no error.log in the installation
Looking at my DB, it seems to be a hodgepodge of InnoDB and MyISAM tables with a hodgepodge of latin1_swedish_ci and utf8_general_ci. Not much sense to how each table gets what.
Running pretty much the same queries as you put above, the tables got InnoDB and latin1_swedish_ci.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: podPress]define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);
is what is in my config. If there is an error log floating around, ill show it but I do not want to recreate the situation and set it all up to make an error happen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: podPress]Thanks for the reply. Finally reversed my way to the createstatistictables function in the podpress_class.php file and was able to create the tables manually by hand. I left out the $db_charset portion (of course) so I presume this might be the part getting hung up.
Looking at my DB, it seems to be a hodgepodge of InnoDB and MyISAM tables with a hodgepodge of latin1_swedish_ci and utf8_general_ci. Not much sense to how each table gets what.
Running pretty much the same queries as you put above, the tables got InnoDB and latin1_swedish_ci.
The statistics are now working of course with these tables in the DB. Great plugin and thanks a lot.