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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Snippet Plugin Not WorkingPerfect!
Many Thanks!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Snippet Plugin Not WorkingHi
I’ve tried that but it breaks the function. now adds a duplicate header area to my emails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatHi
Any chance I could email you with some access details?
I’ve removed all code except that one line.
Result: use that plugin to manage snippets and it’s been a lifesaver! It keeps them through theme updates, and it makes it easy to activate/deactivate as needed. ??
I also use W3TC, Amazon Cloudfront and Cloudflare, but that shouldn’t impact emails.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatHi
First up, thanks for taking the time to help out here!
I’ve tried the new code and also commented out the clickable line.Here is what it looks like with new code sample: worked mostly with the previous code, it was only the one plugin that caused the HTML links to break. Maybe it was an issue with that plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatHi
1) I’ve used the other in a functions now and it seems to all be working! Great news!
2) Regarding broken links, here is what I mean in more details:
(There’s a URL at the top with a demo)Many Thanks! I’m super greatful for the support you’ve provided and I love the new Mandrill feature!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatI’ve realised that you can’t edit old posts so I want to sum up the two major issues I’m still having.
Issue 1: Extra spaces between all paragraphs.
I triedadd_filter( 'wpbe_html_body', 'wpbe_remove_br'); function wpbe_remove_br( $message ) { return str_replace(array('<br />', '<br>'), '', $message); }
But it then broke all my other plain text emails, by removing all spaces there too! (I have a mix of HTML and plain text emails on my site)
1)is there a way to only apply it to HTML emails and skip this function on plain text emails?
2) I didn’t try this as wasn’t sure how to use it.
Do I just insert it in my functions?add_action( 'phpmailer_init', 'wpbe_strip_html_tags', 9); function wpbe_strip_html_tags( $phpmailer ) { $phpmailer->Body = strip_tags($phpmailer->Body); }
–> will it only apply to HTML emails?
Issue 2: Not Converting Links Properly
I’ve used the following in an HTML email.
<a href="">Create Invoice</a>.
BUT it’s not detecting it as a link.
It shows it ashref="">Create Invoice.
–> This is the main reason to move over to HTML to make these links friendly.
I tested this link in the email and it works like a charm, so it’s only the longer ones that break.
Whereas this link works perfectly: <a href=""><strong>Create Invoice</strong></a>.
I tested this in two different emails from different plugins and it didn’t work in the one but worked in the other. I will ask that plugin author why, but if you have any ideas please let me know!
Sorry for all the posts, but I was encountering issues as I tried different things! I really appreciate your help & support!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatI’ve also encountered another pretty serious bug.(I think it’s a bug)
This doesn’t get detected as a link:
<a href="">Create Invoice</a>.
–> This is the main reason I’m moving over to HTML so I can make neat links!
–> It shows like this in the emailhref="">Create Invoice.
Whereas this link works perfectly:
<a href=""><strong>Create Invoice</strong></a>.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatSorry for the obvious question but do I just add this action below the functions?
Where do I add this?
add_action( ‘phpmailer_init’, ‘wpbe_strip_html_tags’, 9);
function wpbe_strip_html_tags( $phpmailer ) {
$phpmailer->Body = strip_tags($phpmailer->Body);
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatIt’s almost ALL working except I just hit a big bug.
It’s now breaking my plain text emails by stripping out all the spaces!
Is there a way to limit it ONLY to HTML emails?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatThe second one works like a charm! Many Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatThe only issue is that it adds extra spaces between
<p>TEXT</p>It adds a blank line between each paragraph.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatNow it’s working! How strange! I guess it was a cache issue.
This is SUPERB news!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] HTML Email FormatAlas that didn’t work. ??
Is there a way to maybe only apply it to emails from one certain plugin?
I’ve tried 3 different paths now. One without a sub folder folder, some with all lowercase in root folder. No Luck.
Here is updated link: – I now get error “ID not found on server.”
I’ve read this and followed. I missing something obvious?