Another thumbs up for 3.2 being the “All About Media” release. This has been on the wishlist for many for a long time and keeps getting put on the backburner. A revamp of media could easily take up a full release.
Some wishes:
Drag and drop pictures into the edit window to upload images. Google has this in gmail and most of their google apps, it is becoming a standard for html5 apps.
Drag and drop to re position images in the post Visual window. Exactly like you can do in Pages for iPad (see video). I’m not even sure if this is possible and what problems this presents, but it would be awesome. Or at least improve word wrapping options with images.
See (at 2mins and 9secs)
Make the image edit options like crop, rotate, flip horizontally/vertically accessible from within the post window instead of going to media library. Most people will upload and edit images from within the post, and wont go to the media library.
Should be able to insert an image into a post and set it as the post thumbnail in the one step. Currently you have to insert the image then go and choose this as a post thumbnail.
Make the Visual window more wysiwyg:
wysigyg editor should recognise returns as paragraphs and recognise multiple returns to leave spaces between sections in the post.