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Confirmed fixed in 5.2.8, thank you! ??
5.2.7 did not fix this, 5.2.4 still works.
In addition I got errors reported for my external cron and the website went into maintenance and/or error mode (I restored the whole web space several times while testing). This might or might not be related to auto-updating kk Star Ratings to 5.2.7 since nothing else changed. Therefore I disabled auto-updating for that plugin for now and stay an 5.2.4. Manual update to 5.2.7 made it possible to test it and I’ll test new versions aswell.
5.2.4 is the last version that works.
That did it. Thank you for pointing that out. Now it’s back to how it used to be, thanks alot ??
Also in 4.2 there was a text presentation of kk ratings in post excerpts, which was brilliant. On my homepage I have a widget in the sidebar that shows a “custom post with image”. It used to say something like “7/10 (2 ratings) *WP text excerpt*”. This is gone in 5.10 and again I’m not enough of a programmer to add custom php in WP’s text excerpts.
I can confirm that ratings now work correctly for 10 stars, thank you. ??
As for missing functionality, will that return in a later update? In 4.2 I could show an overview page of all “film ratings” posts and that page would list the posts and show the individual ratings. In 5.x you only see the ratings on the post page itself but nowhere else.
I followed your proposal and I can confirm that 5.0.3 works as expected afterwards when using 5 stars. The ui still offers 10 stars in 5.0.3 but that doesn’t seem to work ATM.
I’ll return to 4.2 for now, though. It does just what I wanted it to do in that I can use 10 stars, it shows stars in overview pages listing several posts and I get the rating in text form in widgets when using text excerpts. Are there plans to bring this functionality back in version 5.x?
I could live with 5 stars instead of 10 stars but I’d like to use kk ratings the way I did on other pages than posts. Currently that might be possible with tags in themes but I don’t feel enough like a programmer to edit themes and even then I’m not sure I could get it to work in widgets.
Thank you very much ??