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  • As I look through Google optimise you need to manually verify the code, in doing so, it would be good if the author @deconf adds a help note to the optimise area so we don’t miss important code. On reviewing mine, incase others are confused.

    You snippet will look like this towards the end in your source code.

    ga(‘create’, ‘UA-12345678-9’, ‘auto’);
    ga(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’);
    ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);

    You may see its missing the code ga(‘require’, ‘GTM-1ABCD2E’); as documented in Google Optimise.

    To add this code get this part GTM-1ABCD2E
    and add it on the integrations tab to the optimise area called Container ID:

    It will then show it like this, on saving.

    ga(‘create’, ‘UA-12345678-9’, ‘auto’);
    ga(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’);
    ga(‘require’, ‘GTM-1ABCD2E’);
    ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);

    @ronw7 @designerbruno I deactivated my version, deleted it and uploaded the beta, you will have to re-authorise the connection, which only takes a second. Then just go through the settings, and enable tracking and optimise, as well as amp tracking, if you have added amp to your page markup.

    You can check the auto update feature. Yes this should update when the official version gets pushed out.

    All the author has done is send you the link to the beta version. WordPress allows beta versions of both plugins and WordPress core, so developers can test for bugs and breaks with integrations ahead of an auto update, to minimise global problems to all the dev teams.

    If you want to learn more about becoming a beta tester for WordPress check out the documentation here.

    If you don’t want to use the beta version, you can deactivate and find a header and footer plugin, and manually implement the code to the correct locations that way.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [Sandbox] Didn't work

    .htaccess files are hidden files on a server, if your using cpanel, you will need to enable hidden files to see them. I agree though this plugin needs some faq’s to help problem solve individual issues. After extensive testing on both local and live servers couldn’t get this to work. Another day maybe.

    Hi Thanks for this i used it to stop breadcrumbs displaying on the home page, but allowing it on other pages, I added the css rule !important therefore my code looked like this,

    .page-id-4 .breadcrumbs {display: none !important}

    More information about the use of !important can be read here

    Im not affiliated with this author but have you tried disabling your symple shorcodes plugin, have you also submitted a support ticket over at their website from reading about their plugin, they don’t offer much support, but suggest downloading an additional plugin to help load the shortcodes in widgetized areas, from what i can see they do not have a listing for this plugin making it hard to verify their code. There are other shortcode plugins on database, maybe try another one to see if you have an underlying problem with shortcodes or just a conflict of plugins. There is also a tone of shortcode plugins to purchase with support over at code canyon here is a couple that i have used and

    Hi i am experiencing a similar problem, genisis child theme and framework are up to date, when trying to update this plugin to the latest version i recieve this error,

    Fatal error: Class ‘Genesis_Admin_Boxes’ not found in

    /home/www/ on line 13

    and then cannot access the plugins area at all.

    I have to roll back to a backup to fix the website.


    I had this problem when i first used BWPS for the first time, I found that it was a problem with using cheap shared hosting services, try looking for a better host. Or alternatively use a service like to scan your files.

    This function has actually saved a lot of time when a site is hacked. If you set it up to send an email to you, preferably one that shows up on your phone, you can then respond immediately. It gives you a report of changed files, added files and deleted files, you can setup a white list of files that you update all the time, like backups, cache folder, wp-contents, but it tells you down to the exact file that was changed. Saving days of hours trying to figure what the hacker actually changed. If you don’t know, then the other process of comparing your hosting logs, can take forever, and its quicker to rebuild your site from a backup, but they could get in again because you don’t know which file was the compromise. I enforce all my clients onto a hosting service that can handle this function, as it makes my job a whole lot easier.

    Hi Chris, a chunk of other enhancements or request i have,

    I use your plugin as the main security defense on all my sites, but i also use it in combination with a chuck of others because your plugin just doesn’t have all these features i want, if you would consider implementing them then i can cut down on conflicts and double ups.

    The following plugins and main features that i cant live without and although they would make your plugin a mammoth i think it would make it the best one on the market and i would pay for that.

    WP-Ban Ban by referrer, Host Names, Banned Message customization. A really good way to scare hobby hackers is by displaying their ip address has been banned and the admin of the site has been notified. (ban by referrer helped block out those Russian sites that send you Spam links that have your URL in them)

    WP Robots Txt I think having the robots.txt editor should go hand in hand with the ban user agent area.

    TimThumb Vulnerability Scanner The amount of times I have fixed my theme when a theme developer has put old timthumbs versions in there theme, and an additional area to remove the flicker and other timthumbs vulnerabilities from the file.

    Invisible Captcha
    Help us out include a form of hidden capture when we install your plugin.

    Fantastic Content Protector Free I know there are ways around this but preventing the hobby hacker from right clicking can really help cut down bad users.

    AskApache Password Protect This guy just knows his stuff, definitely should check out his blog and this plugin. Almost stopped all attacks on the website.

    404 Redirected You have all these great logs on bad 404’s how about giving us options to act on them like this plugin for instance (no i don’t have an admin.php file how about a redirect to

    Can you have an option that we can choose which admin can see and use your plugin like Advanced Access Manager This way if you have other admin users, they never see or know that this plugin is running (use full in the case where you have a customer that want’s admin access but you don’t want them messing around in here.

    ByREV WP-PICShield Someone suggested hotlinking, blocking all hotlinking isn’t always the best, one of my users has a portfolio, and a lot of traffic comes from google images, however google is really bad at hotlinking, this plugin has been great, when someone trys to download the original image from google images, that get a cached hotlinking is banned image instead and have the option to come to the site to view it and using in combination with right click the onlyway they can get the image is with printscreen, this has helped boost stolen traffic back to the site.

    How about including a good password generator in the top admin bar, so that when a user wants to update their insecure password they can generate a really strong one and insert it into their user. Also your enforce strong passwords doesn’t seem to work on woo-commerce users like customer shop manager.

    Also an area to change the admin username (existing strong username) to something that is not a standard wordpress allowed username (for users that dont know about editing their php). Did you know that although wordpress and 1 click script installers prevent you from using !@#$%^&* in your username, you can go into php myadmin and overwrite your username with a more secure one including these symbols and longer length usernames and passwords, and wordpress will then load and use the more secure username.

    I know you have some spam blocking in the htacess file but you may want to have a look at Ban Hammer block specific email types from registering like etc,
    and Clobber spam users
    and Stop Spammers

    For woo-commerce integration how about a separate filter, long query string, I want the protection from sql injection, but i also want to recieve my paypal ipn notifications, currently have to disable to get it to work.

    You include a file change detection how about including a scanner for the changes Anti Virus Although i know when i do a plugin update that i have changed the files, that doesn’t mean the files are not safe. Let us scan them and revert them if needed.

    Phew got it all out, I don’t think ill have any more requests if you put some of these features in.

    meister245 futher to your quest to understand MySQL Databases and editing it via phpmyadmin if you loose your password in the future look in your mysql database for the wp_users then tick edit based on the right user_login. ie edit user_login admin.
    Now inside a quick breakdown of the username and password.
    “user_login” this is your username (*note: you can use symbols and longer length usernames than what is allowed at install),
    “user_pass” this is where you can change your password, far as i know the password has being encrypted with the hash md5 so you cant just copy the values from here and paste into your login window, instead write your new password in the value area (it may also contain symbols and be of longer length than at install), and then select md5 from the functions tab. Then click save now, go and test your new password to see if it worked. This has worked for me in the past when my site was hacked and i needed to overide or delete the user password and username. Or even simpler if your username is correct and or your email is correct go to your url http:/ / and wordpress can generate a new one for you.

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