Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Time Zone problemYou can try this:
1) Go to your Plugins >> Editor in your WordPress Panel and select the World Cup Predictor.
2) Look for file world-cup-predictor/js/wcp.js.
3) In this file, search for:
$('.wcup_kickoff_time').each(function() { wcup_match_time(this); /* var utc = $(this).attr('utc'); // YYYYMMDDHHMM format if (utc == undefined) return; var date_only = $(this).is('.date_only'); $(this).html(sast_time(utc, wcp_offset-120, date_only)); // Note: toLocale...() adds the TZ offset, // so subtract the offset between UTC and SAST (120 mins)*/ });
4) Replace this code for:
$('.wcup_kickoff_time').each(function() { var utc = $(this).attr('utc'); if (utc == undefined) return; var date_only = $(this).is('.date_only'); $(this).html(wcup_localtime(utc, 0, date_only)); });
5) Now open your prediction form e please confirm if now the kickoff times are in your time zone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Time Zone problemWhen you access the Overview menu and uncheck the option “Convert to kickoff Local teams timezone. If unchecked kickoff times are displayed match the local time”, the matches continue to appear on Brazilian time?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Timezone issue & issue found but can not solveHello digiblogger
There was a problem regarding the DATE_FORMAT of matches started after 24 hours, but this was corrected in the new version of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Knockout TableThe layout of Table Knockout was adapted to the theme Twenty Fourteen, as can be seen in the page
If you are using another theme, do the following:
1) Go to Plugins >> Editor within the administrative panel of your website.
2) Look for the file world-cup-predictor/css/style.css.
3) Locate the following CSS rule:
table.knockout {
margin: 1em 1em 2em -17em;
font-size: 80%;
width: 920px;
}And change the value “-17em” to 0 (zero).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] penaltiesHello pokerbanter,
Actually to use the word “false” comes the shortcode not behaving as it should, but you can use predict_penalties=0 to solve this problem, as can be seen on page
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] LanguageHello mrelic,
In itself plugin there is a file inside the lang folder called world-cup-predictor.pot. You should use a program like Poedit to save the file to your language and start translating. If you need some help to do this, please contact me, ok?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Group table formatAlready corrected, as can be seen on page
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [World Cup Predictor] Time Zone problemHi, Jim. Do you include the code bellow in your page?
<div class="tzcContainer"> <p id="tzLocal">Match times are currently set to match local time, please click here to convert to your time zone.</p> <p id="tzClient" style="display:none">Match times are currently set to <strong>your timezone</strong>, please click here to revert to local time.</p> </div>