Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change directory name?2. You could use
Browse table wp_users, edit the first user:
ID=1 / user_login=admin / blah blah
Change theuser_login
key to whatever you want the login to be.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change directory name?1. Under Options > General, change the URI to reflect the changes in directories that you’ve made.
2. Login as admin, go to Profile, enter first and last name and nickname. Click update. It will use the nickname to show on your blog page, or select any other from the dropdown list shown.
3. Edit your link categories. So the first category is “Links” with ID=1, then edit that link to whatever you want as the first one, then edit the other ones accordingly. Then use the order key forget_links_list
: Themes and Templates
In reply to: CSS and dueling browsersLooking within your template file, you have two
<div id="menu">
tags. Also, the page is not valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional, and there are other errors in the page which doesn’t allow to check the CSS.Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Mac or PC?lol xqmoons, “why SHOULDN’T it work” is answered in one word: microsoft ?? [evil grin] low blow to window users, I know, sorry.
FireFox is still beta, but… Any other apps behaving like this? I’m curious also, is iTunes running at the same time? There seems to be a problem with iTunes locking the system; its the only thing I’ve seen to be able to completely lock up the system (without even being able to force quit the app), but it will break out of the lockup within 30minutes. I’m running 10.3.4 as well and only see it happen once in a while (I’ve learned not to fast forward a song for the time being…).
Also check this: FireFox Crashing on Startup
I’ve been liking FireFox a lot more than Safari lately, especially with the extensions you can download for FireFox. The best being Webdeveloper, which puts in a new toolbar with functions like defining the block elements of a page, validating, etc.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Database ProblemAre you using a MySQL username/password account with create privilages for your database?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: help! comments stopped working.How are the comments not working? Not showing up? Showing up wrong? Also would be helpful to see the site to understand.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: how to bypass the creation of admin accountYou could included the config.php file with WordPress which would then bypass everything… but wouldn’t allow the selection of the URI. Otherise, no because there are too many unknown variables like; are they all going into the same database -> which would need a different prefix for each, password is dynamically generated for security -> if you kept it as one password and they didn’t log in initially or change it right away would pose a security problem, etc.
What are you trying to do?Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: OT: New php blogging toolbenn: For what it’s worth, I think you are submitting this to be tested and reviewed in the wrong place. Most people who come here are giving WordPress a try or already have selected it as being their software of choice. I think a more constructive place to submit your software are places like or even if you decide to provide a free personal use version. This way, people are looking to test new software and will provide some type of feedback.
Also, without a feature list, it’s hard to even give the software a try.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Complete and utter greenhorn hereVeshka, email me: noise at laneallen dot com
I went to view what you were talking about, and it worked for me. What browser are you using? Anyhow, email me and I’ll send the default password so you can change it. Sorry, thought it was already setup since you were posting here.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Want to cripple my archives on purposeThanks.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Complete and utter greenhorn hereDo you have a database already setup? Does your host provide you one? You really won’t have to work with MySQL unless you have to create a new database (if you have the ability on your host to create more than one database). If your host provided you with one, enter the information for database name, database username and the password they provided (leaving localhost the same). Then just let the script run. The install script will autodetect the address.
Can you provide which is your setup (database provided by host or your own server with the ability to create more than one database) if you need more help.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Want to cripple my archives on purposeUnder Options > Reading on your admin menu, set:
Show the most recent: 1 [posts paged]
Then just use a navigation with either previous/next or vbulletin ( ) or wpPaginate plugin. Example: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Putting Delmyth’s stats page into siteEssentially, wp-dstats-summary.php is just like the index.php. Just copy the elements for your header and menu into wp-dstats-summary.php, then add the appropriate CSS elements into styles-site.css. Do you really want this available for everyone since they can delete stuff off of that page.. If you want to show stats to users, maybe use something like the following for public viewing: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding a Tagline to Blog TitlePut this in your index.php file where you want the tagline to appear:
<?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?>
Reference: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Mac or PC?Hmm, is it *that* important? Especially since most Mac users are not using Mac:IE due to the drop of support. I’m on a Mac and use Safari and FireFox.