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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to hide child pages in submenu?That’s hard to remote-debug, your theme is doing some unconventional stuff there. Looks like you might be changing a global function that is used several times in the theme. You might want to keep that code the way it was originally, and look at the sidebar code in particular. I got a feeling that the theme passes in the $depth variable from wherever pages are listed. Find the sidebar .php code and see what’s happening there. If you have a decent editor, you can do a Find In Files and search for $depth to find all occurrences.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Gallery ShortCodeBah! Never mind, been bitten by a local/server mismatch. Of course media.php exists, just not on my local harddrive…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to hide child pages in submenu?This is the parameter you’re looking for
depth (integer)
This parameter controls how many levels in the hierarchy of pages are to be included in the list generated by wp_list_pages. The default value is 0 (display all pages, including all sub-pages).* 0 – Pages and sub-pages displayed in hierarchical (indented) form (Default).
* -1 – Pages in sub-pages displayed in flat (no indent) form.
* 1 – Show only top level Pages
* 2 – Value of 2 (or greater) specifies the depth (or level) to descend in displaying Pages.Your code already sets the depth through a variable – you’ll have to figure out where $depth is getting defined in your theme and modify it. Alternatively, you can change the current code to read
$html = wp_list_pages("child_of=$parent_id&depth=1&echo=".(!$return)."&title_li=0&sort_column=menu_order");
and see what happens.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 2.5 Gallery ShortCodeThe gallery shortcode is defined in wp-includes/media.php, line 333 and onwards. In its simplest form, a [gallery] should suffice. The sort order appears to be fixed, but the code is easy enough to change.
Can somebody point me to where the shortcode definition has been moved to? Media.php seems missing in v2.6. There’s still this line in the HTML source: <!– see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php –>, but I can’t even find the gallery_shortcode() function when searching the WP sourcecode.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I query the parent post of an attachement?I found some examples of $post->post_parent, which I can use to code up the functionality that I’m after.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Themes Editor will not allow me to save changesWhat permissions did you change? The .css file needs to have writable permissions, usually 777. Are you sure those are set correctly?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a problem with vista log ins?Been using Vista for months now without login problems. You might want to post browser information and the exact error message that she is getting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Search doesn’t cover gallery text?Does anybody know if this is supposed to work? I’ll file a feature request otherwise, but I want to be sure first.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to format text in “About Me” box?Change the width for .col3 to 320px.
style.css (line 275)
.col3 { border-left:1px solid #F2F1E9; display:inline; float:left; margin:0 0 0 10px !important; padding:0 0 0 10px !important; width:320px; }
You can’t. Reason being to keep the speed of the remote server up. There’s been several threads about this already.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Code only works on Home Page?That code should work everywhere equally. Are you sure there isn’t a conditional tag like is_home() anywhere else on the page, tho?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Will WYSWYG help me run my Blog?How is this blog supposed to look? Sidebar on the left side or the right side? The dimensions of the layout just seem out of whack, and the stylesheet wasn’t built to account for whatever threw it off. The visual editor (that’s probably what you’re talking about) can’t save you from that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to split content across 2 pages?Here’s a whole page explaining how to enable this:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages in Menu – Want some to not show<?php wp_list_pages(‘exclude=X,Y,Z’); ?>
where X Y and Z are the page numbers.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar is at the bottom of the page—I haven’t added anythingOh. If you’re talking about the Healing Promises page, this is the culprit:
<div style=""> <div style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; font-size: 14px; width: 360px; background-color: rgb(240, 220, 229); text-align: left;"> </div> </div>
All of your proverbs have an empty div wrapper that negates the size that’s set for #content. Delete those empty divs and you should be fine.