Thanks for the suggestions.
The gallery is a good idea but new teams will be added all the time so it would require a manual process that I think the admin of the league/website wouldn’t be happy doing for every team.
The League table isn’t exactly what we were after. While it does list the teams, it formats them in a table which is a nightmare to style (we want the Gallery Player List style). The teams also don’t click through to their team page.
While I’m tempted to just modify the code to suit, I want to avoid doing so as that would mean headaches while upgrading to new versions in the future.
To be honest, I’m shocked that this isn’t a standard feature consider that by the looks of it people have been asking for this feature for a long time. It just needs to be a copy of the Player List function but for teams.
This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by largoh.