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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] How can I set the display dates on the CalenderYou need to review the shortcodes of “start” and “end”. Here is the link: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Filebase Download Manager] Show file descriptionModify the template for the specific type you are using. For example, if using the filebrowser, go to Templates–>Filebrowser and modify it to display the description.
Go to for more information.
The errors were displaying on the background of my site before I upgraded to WordPress 4.0. I upgraded and they went away. Next, I upgraded to the version of Nextgen Gallery; they did not display on the background.
I see the errors when I go to the Nextgen Gallery Menu->Manage Albums->Edit Album. I only have the one album on this site, comprised of several galleries.
I can edit the album and change the sort of the galleries within, but the error still exists. I can email you a screen shot if you wish.
resolved by upgrading to the latest version
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awebsome! Online Registered Users Widget] Offline users are shown online?Dashboard widget is showing online users as offline, and vice versa. Using plugin 2.0.1 version and WPress 3.9.1 version.
@doublesixx – Thanks for the code — but it still does not address my issue.
My issue is regarding having to create sub albums (albums within albums) that have galleries in them. For example, one of my sites is a prime example.
I created an album called Photo Gallery. Within this album there is a sub album called State Meetings. In State Meetings there are 12 galleries so far. When you click on the the Photos page (link above), the text states there are “12 Photos”. This is because in version 1.9.13, album-compact.php is using a loop and assuming that there will not be any sub albums — hence the foreach loop plugs everything into the $galleries variable (see code)
<?php if (!defined ('ABSPATH')) die ('No direct access allowed'); ?><?php if (!empty ($galleries)) : ?> <div class="ngg-albumoverview"> <!-- List of galleries --> <?php foreach ($galleries as $gallery) : ?> <div class="ngg-album-compact"> <div class="ngg-album-compactbox"> <div class="ngg-album-link"> <a class="Link" href="<?php echo $gallery->pagelink ?>"> <img class="Thumb" alt="<?php echo $gallery->title ?>" src="<?php echo $gallery->previewurl ?>"/> </a> </div> </div> <h4><a class="ngg-album-desc" title="<?php echo $gallery->title ?>" href="<?php echo $gallery->pagelink ?>" ><?php echo $gallery->title ?></a></h4> <?php if ($gallery->counter > 0) : ?> <p><strong><?php echo $gallery->counter ?></strong> <?php _e('Photos', 'nggallery') ?></p> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> <!-- Pagination --> <?php echo $pagination ?> </div> <?php endif; ?>
My issue is that I need it to check each record to determine if it is a gallery or album and have variable set to that so that I can do a if/then logic where it is currently printing “Photos” so that it will print “12 Albums” instead of “12 Photos” when it encounters an album.
This is a bug!! In 2.0.x version, they just omitted printing anything below the sub album, but the actual galleries had the correct number of photos within the gallery. Unfortunately, there were too many issues with each of the 2.0.x versions and I had to rollback to 1.9.13.
This should be a simple fix, but my php coding is not that strong yet; have been on legacy systems way too long. If I knew how to display the contents of $gallery on my page, I might be able to figure it out myself. There has to be something in the database flagging the album types versus gallery types.
I am hoping for a GREAT response from Photocrati personnel.
– Thanks…ValerieForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] add eventOn the Dashboard, go to Calendar->Options; the third option “Display the Add Events link on the front-end calendar”, uncheck it.
Nevermind, I followed the “rollback” instructions and it’s working now.
photocrati, this should be a very simple fix for you guys…..
Obviously, the app that is executed within a page/post is looking at the path defined in the options for single sites. On multisites, the full path is also defined for those sites, but the full path is not being referenced — it is just using the standard wp-content/gallery. The code needs to be changed to include the database or path variable as the prefix; this will fix it. I found another posting where they had modified theirs and posted in one of these threads. Of course, an update will wipe it all out again. (I think it was either $path or $dbase; something like that).
My “fix” was to change the path to all of my multisites to be the same as the parent site; however it all depended on whether or not the plugin on each site wrote a valid record in it’s on nextgen database — which I have proved that it does. If it had not, then I stood the chance of corrupting another gallery that would have an identitcal ID as the other site.
I do not currently have as many multisites as others, but soon will.
Thankspixelyzed … here’s what I have learned so far.
I also rolled back to 1.9.13. FTP’d and removed all of the galleries from the blog directories from each (ex: blog.2.dir->files). Reset the Network Settings and changed the path to be wp-content/gallery for ALL sites, including subsites.
All sites can see their own galleries. Tested another theory; had a gallery (call it trees) on subsite that I wanted to duplicate on main site with same name. Used “import folder” option on main site to import the “trees” gallery on main site. It imported it and gave it a new gallery id on main site and nothing was harmed on the physical folder (most probably overwrote it).
Now, what I did find is that I have a galleryid = 17 in main site with and a galleryid = 5 on the subsite. ALL sites still have wp-content/gallery as their path. RESULTS: the gallery databases for each site are registering each gallery and giving them new id’s — regardless of the path.
What this proves is that all versions are not correctly following the directory path settings when it comes to “inserting into the post”. I have seen a few corrections to code variables posted in this support area that might be the solution for multisites to work correctly. Maybe the developers should try these out?
P.S. See the first support issue on the Support Link titled:
DO NOT UNINSTALL NextGEN if you are having issues with 2.0
Downgrade back to 1.9.13; it resolved my white pages issues. Here are the instructions from NextGen.
I just had to do the rollback to 1.9.13; it works now.
2.0 would not even let me see my dashboard — only received a plain white screen for every page. An error would have been helpful, I could have bug traced with Firebug == blank screens leave you with nothing.
Running: WP 3.5.1; Genesis Framework 1.9.1; News Theme
Using Firefox 22.0link:
Any ideas?
The .ngg-album-compact has a float: left; command and a padding-right: 6px; ; so just add a padding-left: 6px; to center more.
I tested it in Firebug on your site and it moved it over some. Maybe this is what you are looking for.
Thank you very much for your time and patience.