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  • confirmed – nothing is showing on your website. I tried IE and FF 18.
    It could well be that your web server is down or having some difficulty but if not then Open the control panel that you were given by your web host company and restore the site from backups if you made any. Failing that there could be better advice from someone who knows much more about wp

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: iPad query

    Is this missing the point, but cant you turn the ipad around and use it in landscape rather than portrait, also are you mistaking the fact that the theme is flexible, with the desire for the theme to be responsive?

    backup your site and try it. If it all goes horribly wrong just restore your backup. If you have cpanel or some other control panel your web host provides just back everything up and restore it if you need to

    Thread Starter Latka


    That’s odd youre right ! but before I clicked something and got taken to a page with the plugin details displayed and a request for a name and username. I had genuinely thought it was the only way to get a download of the plugin. I had been reading the list of reviews somewhere (a list with lots of different plugin reviews) I clicked something there.
    I only wish now I could delete my review from the page I am on now as clearly I am wrong !, and I cant find that link which takes me to the page asking for email address

    oh cool

    That may be possible. To be honest I have never thought about that idea before. Good question ! I dont think there is a server side check that will tell you if a page is loaded in an iframe. I think there is only client side checking on that. I think only the browser could check on that not the server
    Is this link any use to you

    Hi there I dont have much to add in the way of advice as I am slightly confused by your description of events but can I just say that I think you should backup your site so that you can restore stuff if it goes wrong. I sort of understand your question but it is confusing and if someone mistakes what you are saying and gives advice based on a misunderstanding it could leave you in the lurch. Hopefully you can use the admin controls of your websites control panel to backup all your wordpress installation. That way if you delete the wrong thing or rename it wrongly or something like that you will be able to restore everything.

    Look in the theme settings. Theres a whole page of settings devoted to it

    Advice taken. I will start learning all about child themes.

    Well you can’t fix things that aren’t broken, so I never understood that saying

    yeah but that’s the point, if something is working and it works great and you love it, then trying to make it better will probably destroy it

    Noo! Child themes are cool and are your friend! *drinks more coffee*

    Not at 5am they arent! I will have to get into child themes, must admit whatever is easiest and gets the job done is king. That plugin did the trick for me so you know what they say “If it aint broke, dont fix it”
    Thanks again for the plugin ! very good work

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Is it illegal

    I would say familiarise yourself with the terms of the GPL and you will see what is ethical and what isnt. For example you cannot take a copy of work licensed under the GPL by another author and then release it under a closed source license. You too must release it under the GPL. You must also credit previous authors, PROMINENTLY !

    (this part was edited in later I just visited your site and I dont see any footer info in the header and I see your header image, also I see just one line of footer info, however, just incase I am mistaken:)

    cornh28 I followed Jans instructions for the plugin. I didnt bother with his instructions about the child theme. I simply copied his code for the plugin. Made a file called changeoyay.php and pasted the code into that, then on my sites plugin directory made a directory called changeoyay. I put the changeoyay.php file into that and then went into the wordpress plugins and activated it. It worked excellently. The reason you are seeing two is because, I believe, you have now got a plugin, or another bit of code, doing the same job as what the instructions Jan gave for making a child theme are doing. Try reverting back to where you just have a main theme and use the plugin method. Forget the child theme method. One thing I can tell you is dont use notepad to make the php file, use a thing called notepad++
    There is a technical reason for this, notepad++ will mark any syntax defects in the code and enable you to correct them if you copied the code wrongly
    Also, its a moot point but the footer info seems to indicate that a web design company made the website when infact really its just a modified theme. Not lecturing but its slightly disingenuous to claim that the site was made by one company when infact it was only a modification made by that company – but I dont want to distract from the technical discussion

    Sorry but I can tell you, from where I am, nothing is loading on the page I get a “timed out” response that says “The server at is taking too long to respond” Ensure that you have no security options either on your sites control panel or in wordpress that permits access only from a single computer or a range of ip addresses. Next check that the DNS settings (if you have access to your sites control panel) is properly setup, also ensure that wordpress is correctly setup. This looks to me either like a security block, or some kind of functional setting within your sites control panel (the controls your service provider allows you to have)is wrong
    How long ago did you register the site? if you have just registered it and just paid all your fees for hosting etc it could be that you need to wait until the DNS servers have been propogated with the correct details as I am getting the same response whether for or just – check that your redirects are setup correctly in the control panel of your site. If its a site you are hosting on your own servers then ensure that you have setup your firewall rules correctly etc. Also ensure that your web server settings are all fully functional and correct

    so lets call the different front pages, pageA and pageB. I go to your site, which page loads? why that page rather than the other page?
    I dont quite understand the question maybe, but can you elaborate on the idea behind your thinking please? It’s unclear to me how you could achieve this unless there is some kind of rule that says: if condition 1 is true load pageA but if condition 2 is true load pageB

    Sorry if this post is irrelevant in any way but recently I discovered an excellent tool to help me when I cant find an answer to questions like yours in these forums. The firefox plugin called firebug allows you to see the names of elements within the theme and then you can see where the relevant style or code to change the position of the elements is kept.
    Just to say, try using firefox and firebug if you dont get an answer. Sorry I’m not a skilled coder, just learning, but firebug has helped me enormously

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