Hi Nastia,
Thanks for your response. We’ve tested clearing the cache, and that does not appear to be the issue. The link to the site is https://entrepreneurandangels.com/. There are 3 different pop-ups that are similar but have different redirect links for the button.
1. If a user is on the url: https://entrepreneurandangels.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=search the pop up that redirects to https://purchases.entrepreneurandangels.com/AGNLNCNDP/PAGNV993/index.htm?pageNumber=2 should show.
2. If a user is on the url: https://entrepreneurandangels.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=display the pop up that redirects to https://purchases.entrepreneurandangels.com/AGNLNCNDP/PAGNV994/index.htm?pageNumber=2 should show.
3. If a user is on the url: https://entrepreneurandangels.com with no UTM parameters, the pop up that redirects to https://purchases.entrepreneurandangels.com/AGNLNCNDP/PAGNV9AT/index.htm?pageNumber=2 should show.
Instead, the 3rd popup is the only one that’s appearing. I’ve tried turning off the 3rd popup thinking that was the issue, but then no popup showed.
Please let me know if you can provide any clarity here.