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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: backup problemSame situation on one of my blogs. The backup works fine on all others.
“WARNING: Your wp-content directory is NOT writable! We can not create the backup directory.” when entering backupI temporarily changed the file permissions for wp_content and all subfolders to 777 – the error messagewas gone, but when I actually tried to backup the selected items, I got
“Creating backup file…
Could not open the backup file for writing!”.
Gave up for now – and changed permissions back.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Page template not appliedanybody here has an ideahat might be the problem?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Upload tool inserts thumbnail size only?2.0.2 – the latest as far as I know.
this is a completely new site using a fresh install of WP.Laurenz
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Upload tool inserts thumbnail size only?OK. I tried this a few times. Like jzahlaway, I did not see any difference between the “use original” and the “use thumbnail” options.
I tried dragging the corners. This worked. I COULD enlarge the picture but only until I hit the boarder of the window.
So, I had to go back, enlarge the window first and then try to enlarge the picture.
This works, until I hit the boarder of the enlarge edit window.
Now, this window is much smaller than the amount of space I have reserved for photos in my layout.
Also, all this resizing can either change the proportions of my photo or at least noticeably decrease its quality.
After all, I did not spend a lot of time with my image editing software trying to make it look good at a certain size just to let it get re sized on the fly.The only way I found to insert the photos the way I want them is:
– right click on the photo,
– select “properties” copy the whole link
– click on the “insert image button”
– insert the url
– manually delete the “.thumbnail” from it
– post this image.
This looks beautiful! Unfortunately, now the HTML does not contain the image dimensions, so the browser has to figure them out by itself, which can markedly delay the time until the post appears.All this to protect myself from posting a picture that may destroy the layout of my site?
How can WordPress tell for which screen resolutions I want my site to work?
Also, I usually look at my blog after posting – if there really is a problem, I can always delete the latest post.
I think that someone who opts for using the “original size” usually knows what he/she is doing.
I’d be really grateful for a fix that just lets me upload pictures and then lets me insert them into a post just like they are.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Flickr wont recognise xmlrpc filebump!
If “class-IXR.php” is the problem – where do I find a working version of it?
Laurenz Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Flickr wont recognise xmlrpc fileI have encountered the same problem: at first, I could post from Flickr withut problem, then I’d occasionally get the message “Your blog posting failed. If your configuration details have changed, update them now”, but when I visited the blog, the post normally was there.
Now, all attempts to use the “blog this” option fail.
I’m using WP 1.5.2, PHP Version 4.3.10 and have already tried re-uploading class-IXR.php and xmlrpc.php, setting xmlrpc.php to 755 and even executing upgrade.php.
No change.
So, where would I find a working copy of “class-IXR.php”?
I have no intention of getting into WP development, so I have not installed subversion.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: single.php: How to show the full post?Thanks,
it works! Really a pity that with this host I can’t use htaccess – they haven’t found a way of enabling it under Confixx so far…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: single.php: How to show the full post?I uploaded the includes folder again – no joy.
I actually already did this for the latest upgrade…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: single.php: How to show the full post?No, I didn’t modify the core files – actually, I just carried out the latest upgrade.
The only plugin I had activated is SearchHilite. Deactivating this did not change the appearance of my blog.
I pasted single.php to
I’m not currently using another theme. Switching to WordPress Classic 1.5, gives a similar result: I’m being carried to a comments page.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: single.php: How to show the full post?anyone has an idea how to resolve this issue?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: single.php: How to show the full post?Thanks, unfortunately, this does not work – the archive.php file doesn’t seem to have an impact on individual entries.
To be honest, I didn’t expect it to considering that single.php is higher in the hierarchy of templates?!The only difference was that the standard archive.php does not show the images, – so I revived my own version.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Categories in Alphabetical OrderI also have the problem that my categories are not listed correctly (fortunately, I copied my photolog to a test environment beforehand, so the version you see now is not yet upgraded).
When I substitute the file, I get the following error message:Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_category_rss_link() (previously declared in /…/testwp/wordpress/wp-includes/template-functions-category.php:43) in /…/testwp/wordpress/wp-includes/feed-functions.php on line 104
Restoring the old version at least brings back the photolog, but with unsorted categories.
I am using<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name'); ?>
in my template.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Copyright through Creative CommonsWhen I try your links, I get an “Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally (404)” error…
Anyway, it would be good to have such a feature – especially if it also has rdf-capability.
By the way, I have two photo sites – one with full copyright and one under creative commons licence.
So far, I placed the logo and the link in the template of the second site, but it would be nice if I could also have it in a machine-readable format.Laurenz
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Random Post / plus last posts_“How far randomly into the past do you want to look? 100 posts good enough?”
Actually, more would be better – I have a photo log and it would be nice if some of the older pictures would come up every now and again. Maybe one could define an “offset”, so that it would be possible to restrict the number of posts and at the same time make it possible to use the whole archive?
“As for “bringing search engines to ones archive files”, they shouldn’t have any problem follow the links.”
I hope so. I converted my photolog from MT a while ago and at the same time added a photo tips and tricks section (on the same level, with even fewer incoming links).
So far, Google has fully indexed the photo tips and given them a PageRank of “5”. It only indexed the first page of the photo log, however, (the other pages have not even been cached yet) and did not assign a PageRank to it.
Of course, this may change with the next update…
I’m using redirects producing (hopefully) spider-friendly addresses. In any case, it can take a while until search engines reach the “bottom layers” of a site – the more deep links there are, the easier this is.
The random post from the archives would essentially give search engines a new deep link each time they visit – and add variety for the humans of course!
LaurenzForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing entries from MT – with images?Hi,
I solved the problem by replacing the HTML<
by < and >.
Maybe this could be done automatically on import?
Also, I couldn’t find an export function, so I exported the table, dropped it, replaced the above code and re-imported it. An export feature would be nice…